He's Ready; You're Not: part 1 (C&M)

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After a long day at work, I walk up the stairs to my apartment, reaching my door and unlocking it. As I enter my apartment, I shut the door back, toss my keys into the bowl and set my purse down. "Cal, I'm home!" I exclaim, taking my blazer off and hang it on the coat rack by the door. Silence stands in my apartment long after my entrance while I walk to the room to change into my pajamas. "Babe?" I call, entering the room until my phone rings. I take it out of my back pocket, as Calum's contact appears on my screen. I accept the call, "Hey! I just got home, where are y-" He cuts me off, "Y/N, I'm on way home now but I have a surprise." "You know I don't like surprises." I respond, walking into the living room, turning on the tv to Hulu and selecting Brooklyn Nine-Nine. "Well trust me, I don't think you'll mind this one," he answers as I go to the kitchen and grab a green tea from the fridge. "Fine, how far away are you?" I ask, closing the fridge. "I'm here, I just parked." I smile, running to the door to meet him outside. As I open the door, I hang up and start down the stairs. "HI, AUNT Y/N!" Calls a familiar little voice. I laugh, running down the stairs to the car, "Sophie! Look at you!" I grin, picking her up. Sophie is Ashton and his wife, Natalie's daughter. Natalie is my lifelong best friend, we met in elementary school and never separated.  "I have a whole list of things we can do tonight!" She says, smiling and hugging me. "And we will definitely try to do all of them! Let's get inside first, okay?" I reply, setting her down and grabbing her bags. She grabs her tablet from the back seat and I turn to Calum, "Hi, baby." I say, hugging him, "Hey, love," he replies, kissing me before we walk up the stairs, Calum carrying her. 

"Okay, Ash is coming to get her in a few hours, they're almost done at the dealership," Calum says, walking into the kitchen as I stir the noodles. I nod, looking up, seeing Sophie still on the couch, watching Zootopia. "So, how was work?" He asks, kissing my cheek before moving to the fridge, opening it. "Honestly, it was a mess. Brandon kept bragging about the cases he was assigned and I'm stuck with my pro-bono." I answer, draining the water from the noodles. "Just think, you're not overwhelmed in paperwork here or there." He replies, setting plates and forks out on the table. 

"Y'all have a good night! Be careful," I say, closing the door and locking it. I walk into the kitchen to help Calum put food away and wash dishes. "Okay, I need to talk to you." He says, putting the containers in the fridge as I wash the dishes. "Sure, what's up?" "I think we should have kids," He says, cleaning off the counter and table. "I think we should too. I thought we already said we wanted one or two and then adopt?" I say, washing the plates and setting them in the other side of the sink. "That's not what I'm talking about," he responds, shaking his head. "Oh are you talking about dog babies? I was thinking we could go ahead and get the Australian Shepherd we were wanting and wait until we get another," I answer, starting on the big pot. "Why do you always have to joke when I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you?" Calum snaps back, catching me off guard. I stop washing, setting the sponge down, drying my hands. I turn to face him, "What did you just say?" "Okay, don't act like that. I told you I wanted kids and you just blew it off. If you don't want kids, you need to tell me so I don't waste my time," he exclaims, shocking me. "Obviously we're gonna have kids, Cal. But to say I'm wasting your time? That's not fair." I shake my head, turning back to the dishes, grabbing the sponge. "Then when are we going to? How long have we been together, ten years?" He raises his voice, "What if I'm not ready? There's two people in this relationship, Calum. Not just you. You can't just tell me you're ready and expect me to just do as you say. My opinion and my timing matters." I respond, rinsing the dishes and setting them in the dish drainer, then draining the soapy water. "You're right. Your timing does matter, which is exactly why I'm saying this. We're not getting any younger and at a certain point, you can't carry children." Calum says, my heart breaking. I nod, tears welling up in my eyes. I turn around, facing him again, "Thank you for reminding me, Doctor Hood." I throw down the hand towel and walk over to my purse, slipping on my shoes. "Okay, where are you going?" He asks, following me. "Away from here and don't  follow me!" I respond, slamming the door behind me as I leave the apartment.


"Babe, are you okay?" I hear Michael's voice call, getting closer. It's four am and I've been in here at least twice. No matter what I do, I can't keep food down. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute," I respond, reaching up to flush the toilet as I stand up from the floor. He creaks open the bathroom door, "Are you feeling sick? Maybe you should call in today." I shake my head, brushing my teeth. Call in after working there for five years? I've never called in to any of my jobs. "You can't go in later if you feel like this," He says, walking closer to me and hugging me from behind. After finishing up brushing my teeth, I follow him back to the room, "I promise, if I still feel bad, I'll call in, okay?" He nods, kissing my forehead as we lay back in bed. "I hope you feel better, baby," Michael whispers, cuddling me as we both fall back asleep.

"Good morning, babe," I hear, opening my eyes to see Michael standing next to the bed, holding his cup of coffee. "Morning," I respond as I start to get up. "Woah, are you feeling better?" He asks, stopping me from getting up. I sigh, laying back down. "No, but I'll be fi-" he cuts me off, "No, you promised me you'd stay if you didn't feel good." I close my eyes, nodding. "I have to work, though. You know I've never called in," I answer looking up at him. "Y/n, you obviously can't work if you don't feel 100%. What if you're contagious or something?" I laugh, nodding. "Fine, I'll take today off."  "Good! I'll call them for you." He says, reaching for his phone from his pocket. "What are you going to tell them?" I ask. "Just that you're sick," He answers, I nod and close my eyes, not far from falling back asleep.

A few days pass and I'm still not feeling 100% myself, so Michael is driving me to the doctor. "So I think we should talk about the elephant in the room," he says, rubbing my thigh. I turn to him, "what?" "So... are you pregnant?" He asks, me chuckling. "Absolutely not," "Uh, okay. Why do you say it like that?" Michael asks as he looks at me and back at the road. "Well, I've been taking my pill. Plus we just can't have a kid yet so," I answer, looking back to my window. "Okay, glad we're in the same place then," he says sarcastically. "Michael, what's wrong?" I furrow my brows, looking back at him as we pull into the parking lot of the doctor's office. "Look, I love you, like I love you more than life itself but if you don't want kids, you'll have to tell me real soon so I know if this is gonna last." He says, parking the car and turning the engine off. "Really? You're gonna put me in this position?" I argue. "I'm not putting you in any position, I'm just saying, I don't want to stay in a relationship that won't go anywhere," Michael answers, unbuckling his seatbelt as I do the same. "Okay, you really can't break up with me right now, Michael. That wouldn't be nice," I sigh, opening my door, hopping out of the car. "I'm not breaking up with you, y/n. I just need some answers!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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