Love Will Remember♡ 2/4

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Calum: [your POV]

I walk down the empty streets at 3am in The Big Apple, alone. I rub my growing belly with a baby boy held inside, slowly walking up the stairs to my apartment, desperate need for hot cocoa and blankets, with a chick-flick. I unlock the door and step inside my warm environment. I then feel my phone vibrate and ring, Love Will Remember by Selena Gomez. I'm not a fan of her, but I do love that song! On the screen, Cal <3 is written. I answer it and he says,"Hey baby. I'll be there in.... 5 minutes. You okay? How was your walk? Is Junior okay? Are you cold?" I chuckle and reply with, "I'm fine. Really. I'm inside, sitting on the couch. I'm warm, he's okay, the walk was fine. Not very interesting but not horrible. It was peaceful. I'm going to lay down in bed." "Okay, baby. I love you. When I come in, I'll bring you some cocoa and we can cuddle before you fall asleep again." Cal suggests and I respond with,"okay babe. I love you. Bye."

Michael: [His POV]

"So what are you saying?" I ask as Y/N finishes her sentence and packing her boxes in her trunk. "I'm starting my career now. You have one, and now I have one. We won't have time for eachother, but we can stay friends. Maybe back to best friends. And maybe even if we slow down on work and everything, we can try again. It's just not gonna work right now, though. I'm sorry, Mike. I love you." Y/N tells me and my heart stops. My head drops before she says,"Hey. Mike. Listen to me." I lift my head up. She looks me into the eyes and says,"Love Will Remember you and me. Okay? Love Will Remember us and our past." I nod and she hugs me one last time. "I love you, Y/N." I inform her and she repeats the statement. "I love you, Michael. Good luck on tour. Maybe we can perform together later. Tell the boys I said hi. Bye Mikey." After the last kiss, she was gone. Gone out of my sight, touch, but not my fellings or heart. Y/N stayed there forever because Love Will Remember. She was right. Love Will Remember our future.

heyyyy hope you guys liked it! Make sure to give me some ideas.xx

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