Cuddles ;) cheeky

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As the cheeky little curly headed Aussie wraps his arms around you, you smirk, knowing he can't stay mad at you for long. You had annoyed him 5-10 minutes ago and he just comes in, and starts cuddling with you. Spooning to be exact. Ash can never hold a grudge. He kisses your neck and you breath heavily, knowing where this will go since he does it every time it does happen.


Luke quickly grabs your sides, pulls you into him, and holds you as close as he can, rubbing your back, whispering sweet, (cheeky ;) things) to you... if you know what I mean. ;) You laugh silently as he chuckles and continues. He begins kissing you, and rolls on top of you, placing his hands on your waist.


You lay there, on the soft, comfortable couch, closing your eyes, attempting to go to sleep. Then, Cal jumps behind you, wraps his arms securely around you, and hold you with all his love. He then kisses your cheek and says,"What would I do without you?" you grin and turn around, facing him. "The real question is, what would I do without you?" you then plant a kiss on his lips.


Michael, being the strange way he is, he doesn't spoon or do the normal things couples usually do... he lays behind you, arms around you, and he has his  right leg over your legs, literally using your legs as a leg rest. You still love him though... how could you not?

I'm sososososo sorry for not updating in 4 days! I've had a ton going on. My grandpa's death, not being able to go to the funeral, my mother not calling, decreasment on money, just a lot. It's been getting to me and I honestly don't want to live the life I lived ever again. It's too much. But anyways. thanks for 8.8K votes! It really does mean a lot. It brightens my day. ily, my beautiful rainbows. please go read "Wild Heart |Danny Edge| " and vote! again, ily.

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