Family Pictures

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Y/OD/N - Your Oldest Daughter's Name
Y/S/N- Your Son's Name


"Y/OD/N, can you put your right hand on your hip? Perfect!" The photographer compliments. She snaps a few pictures of you, Ashton, your oldest son, oldest daughter, and 3 year old son. "Now, if you want we can take one where everyone's hands are on your belly, to emphasize the new coming member." She suggests and everyone agrees. Ashton wraps his arms around your waist, landing on your pregnant belly, and your children's hands placed all around. In two pictures, Ashton is kissing your cheek while placing his hands on your growing stomach. "These are so cute!" She says, pushing over them.


"First we'll do one with you holding your daughter, Cal holding your son, then we can switch you two, where you can hold your son, and he can hold your daughter." You nod, setting your two year old on your hip. "Perfect, now, Calum, do the same with your son." She instructs and he does what he's told. "That looks great! Now, just hold hands or something. Do something couple-y." Calum immediately wraps his other arm around your waist and kisses your temple as you grin and look at the ground. Just before his lips left your temple, the photographer took the photo.


"Just act natural and I'll snap pictures when it looks like a good scene." The photographer explains, getting behind the camera. "We can sit, right? Like on the stairs?" She nods, and grins at the scene. You and Luke just sitting there, holding hands, your engagement ring shining through the room. Your son plays asleep in Luke's arms as you both look down at him, admiring his handsomeness.


"Stop moving around, Y/S/N! We're trying to take pictures." You tell your son and he stops squirming, just standing next to you and Michael. "Okay... Uhmm... Wrap your arm around Y/N's waist, Michael." The photographer instructs. "No problem." He grins, wrapping his arm around your waist, landing on your side. Your son grins, as Michael kisses your cheek, not caring about the flash going off while you three show yourselves in pictures.

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