You're Dating Someone Else (His Thoughts)

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Hello! I told you I'd return haha! I hope you're all doing good!! This is written in their POV about you. If POV changes, it will be noted. I love you!


Crazy. Heartbreaking. Shocking. Unbelievable. She moved on, without me. I don't even understand, I tried my best to win her back, yet there she is with him. I bet he doesn't even treat her right. God, what am I even saying? She's obviously much happier now. The entire time, I thought I was making her happy, I was just treating myself. OKAY BUT SERIOUSLY! He doesn't have to shove his tongue down her throat every 5 seconds. It's summer, it's too hot for that! (Haha get it?) i wish there was something I could do to get her back.


Her hair is dyed another color, she's dressed differently, she got more piercings. She's changed. I can't help but feel so guilty. I hurt her, it was the last thing I wanted to do. I truly believe that she was my soulmate, if that even exists. The fact that she's even with someone new already. I can't even look at women the same anymore, she just is the only one I would ever want. The bond we shared was like no other. God, I miss her. It's been almost a year and it still hurts as if it was yesterday. Come back to me, love.


Social media is the death of me these days. I mean, she's everywhere and it's not just her. It's him too. Sure, he's decent but I can't help but wonder if she still thinks about me. The way she used to hug me randomly, her hair longer than the shirts she wore. She taught me partially how to braid. She taught me how to love and forgive. She taught me who I was in love. Now she's doing that with someone else. But does she think of me? Does she remember what I do? Does she remember our 1am guitar hero battles? Us drunkenly calling the guys at 4am each Saturday when we weren't on tour? It hurts. It's been approximately 84 days since our whole breakup but I mean who's counting? Obviously not me.


Even beating on the drums every concert on tour in our hometown, I notice her front row, in-line of me. That was always the seat I reserved for her. I still do, hoping she comes for me. Hoping she'd take me back, no matter how many times I try to contact her. Yet, this time, it wasn't her. Better yet, it was the new her and the new guy. He's much shorter, what is she thinking? He's cool looking but her being that tall, you'd think she'd want a 6ft guy? Like hello? Me? Whatever, it's not happening. She's all over him, I hope it's just to make me jealous. It's working, sweetheart. Oh, how I miss calling her that. She was my pumpkin, especially when we carved pumpkins in October, decorating the apartment. The dear apartment we shared for nearly 4 years. She was my ride or die. It seems we rode too long and died. I love her. 8 months has been far too long.

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