Break-up (Part 1)

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Sorry... but I guess it's time for alittle sadness...


"Ahhhh" you scream as Ashton chases you in the front yard, people smiling as they come by, walking their dogs, possibly cats... [A/N: if they're crazy enough] He catches you and grabs you by the waist. You grin and laugh as he lifts you up, chuckling along. He then remembers something that's been going for awhile that he hasn't told you yet... You had no idea what was going on, until he set you down on the couch swing outside.  "What's wrong?" you notice his pout and his sad eyes. He looks up and you realize it's something you won't like. "Ash-" you begin using his nickname. "Please don't. Use my real name." He interrupts. You're taken back... What's going on? "Ashton... please tell me..." you plead and he says,"I'm sorry. I just... I just can't anymore."  he starts and you begin to understand. "Oh so you decide ON OUR ANNIVERSARY to break up with me?" you stand up, upset, and he stand up quickly afterwards. "No no nooo! I just... you will find someone who will love you more." he tries to give you a sweet explanation and you shake your head. "No. YOU'RE the only one who'll ever love me as much you do."  you respond and leave.


"That's not fair!" Luke pouts and you giggle, drinking his AriZona. "Y/N... I-I have to go." He says out of nowhere and you say,"O-Okay. See you tomorrow! Will you call?" He nods. "Okay love you!" you kiss his lips and he hugs you once more and says,"I love you too. So so so much. Don't forget that, Y/N." he pecks your cheek and leaves. You walk inside your house and go to your room. Your mum and dad were away on a date, they'll be back in about 30 minutes so you had free time until then. After what seemed 3 minutes, you heard the door open and close. Hoping it was Luke, you rushed downstairs and noticed it was your parents. "Oh hey!" you hug them and they mumble,"hey." "What's wrong?" you ask pouting and they looked down, ignoring your question. "Mum? Dad?" you follow them into the kitchen. "We're tired, so we're just gonna go to bed. Night Hun. Love you." they hug and kiss your head and leave into their room.


"Wait so you really did push him down the window?" you crack up as he nods, laughing himself. "Oh my gosh! That's hilarious!! W-Wait... how tall was the house?"  you ask, trying to catch your breath and he replies,"a 2 story" you die right there until he stops, regretting what he's about to do... but it's for your safety. "I uhm.. Y/N, I'm sorry but we can't continue.. I will miss this, but it's just too much." He brelas it to you and your heart breaks. "Why? " you ask, looking at him, straight in his brown eyes, looking for his palyful side of this... but... sadly, you can't find any. "Cal... please don't do this. I love you. You love me-don't you?" you ask, knowing that's always his weakness.... not this time. "I do, but I have to let you go. You're a butterfly now and it's time I set you free, Y/N. I'm sorry..." he kisses your forehead and leaves your presence.


"POODLE COME HERE!" you yell at your pink hair colored boyfriend who's running away with your phone. "NEVERRRR!" He laughs and continues until you quite and sit down on the grass, pulling it out and tying it, making it a knot. [That's how you spell it, right?] Michael quites as well, and joins you. You couldn't help but feel your hot tears stream down your face. "Y/N! Why are you crying? Baby, I-I'm sorry! I probably should've given it back. Here." he hands you your phone and you hug him, still bawling. "I'm sorry, but w-we need to stop this..." you say, looking at him. "W-Why?" he asks and you answer,"You have a tour next week, I have modeling on Thursday, and we just don't have time. I love you, bye Mikey." You stand up, and run home.

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