He Holds Your Hand For The First Time

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"I can't believe it's already been 3 weeks! You're a fun guy, Ash." you tell your 3 week boyfriend. He smiles and says,"Thank you. You're  the most beautiful, entertainable, lovable, caring girl I've ever met." You blush hard and hug him. "I'm glad I met you." He tells you and you reply,"I am too." You both sit back down at the wooden table in the park. You rest your hands on your legs, and suddenly you feel another hand. Your eyes shoot down to see Ashton's hand, holding yours.


You and Luke lay under the stars, gazing at the bright features that light up the sky. "This is so beautiful." you whisper, admiring them. "Just like you." he looks at you. You smile at your one month boyfriend. "I love you, Y/N. I really do. And this is one thing I don't regret doing, and that's asking you out, to be mine." You kiss his cheek and you both look back up. You feel a hand slide into yours. You look at Luke and he looks at you. "I've wanted to do this for a long time." You grin and roll closer to him, letting him hold you, and hold your hand, just to be closer to you.


"Cal!! Come hereeee." you whine playfully, having him laugh as he jogs over to you. "I like this song, come dance with me." He pulls you over to the living room and your slow song plays.  Calum guides your hands, and he rests his left hand on your weist, pulling your right hand on his shoulder. He grabs your left hand into his, and you both begin dancing. "I love you, Y/N." he kisses your nose and you say,"I love you even more, Calum." He chuckles and you both dance to the slow song playing.


"Wanna play?" Mike asks you when you walk into the game room. "Sure." you reply and sit down. "We're playing twister. Calum's getting the spinner. So, c'mon!" you giggle and stand on the opposite side of him. Cal walks in and spins. "Left foot on red. You both place your left foot on a red circle and continue playing. Soon, you and Mikey are tangled and stuck close, you two  have your right hand free.  He reaches over to your hand and holds it as you both fall at the same time. You laugh and he helps you up, still holding your hand.

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