He's Drunk!!!

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"Ash, please?" you plead the drunk boy infront of you to take his headache pills so he won't hurt in the morning. He shakes his head, his tears dripping down his cheeks. "Again.... why are you crying?" you ask still confused and he says,"I don't know. I feel like it." "Why do you feel like it?" you ask, sitting down on the bed with him. "I don't know. I just love you so much and I'm scared you'll leave because I'm drunk." he answers and your heart drops. He really thinks that? You ask him,"You really believe that?" he begins nodding and you break into a million peices. "Ashy, I won't leave you unless there's a perfect reason and you know what?Nothing's perfect, so in other words, I'm not leaving." You kiss his cheek and he replies with, "But you're perfect..." you kiss his lips and tuck him in bed. After you think he's fallen asleep, you lay down and cry your little heart out. He thinks I'm perfect?


"LUKE!" you call after him, and finally stop him from running around infront of the house you both share. Your husband and you went to a party and he accidentally got drunk... You bring him inside and he surprises you by smashing his lips to yours. You can't carry anything too far because you're already waiting on a little one to arrive. [AN: AWWWHHHH] He sneaks his hands to your bum and you break the kiss and warn him,"Luke... remember.... we're already waiting on one." He pouts and you giggle and peck his lips. "I still think it's a boy." he guesses and you totally forgot to tell him. "It is." you reply.and his eyes brighten. "R-Really? We're having a baby boy?" you nod and he bends down quickly and starts rubbing your 5 month belly and begins talking to the little boy you two boy created. "Hey baby. I'm your daddy. You're everything we've always wanted and you mean the world to your Mummy and I. We love you so much and can't wait until you come into this world awaiting for you. I'm sorry I'm in a bad shape right now, but I still have knowledge and responsibility in my hands and I know right from wrong even in this state I'm in. I love you." He kisses your belly and he stands up, grabbing your face, and kisses you passionately.

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