Argument &Meeting [2/4]

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By ^that^ I mean:

You Have An Argument With Someone Else & Run Into Him


"No! I told you I can't. I have a test tomorrow and I can't fail it or I'll fail for the year." you gritted through your teeth as you explain once again to your sister [if you don't have a sister, imagine having one] that you can't pick her up at the mall that's 30 minutes away. "But you can study while you're walking to the car and when you wait on me, study! I'll help you study in the car." She suggests and you sigh. "Fine. I'm on my way." you then hang up and start making your way to your car. And of course- you have to drop one of your notebooks wihout noticing. Right before you reach your car, you hear,"miss? Uhm Excuse me? Miss!! You dropped this!" you turn around to see a tall teenager running after you with your notebook. "Oh thank you!" you thank him and he nods. "I'm Ashton." He shakes your hand as you say,"I'm Y/N."


"P-Please! Y/N! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE AFTER ALL WE HAD." your engaged boyfriend- well... ex now- argues as you start packing up your things. "What did we have, Noah? What. Did. We. Have.?" you specifically question him before rubbing your swollen belly. "Everything. We had everything. All we wanted! We have a baby boy, we had a lot of money, we had shelter, food, comfort, anything! Everything. I still don't understand why you're leaving!" Noah begins again and you stop. "Noah, l-listen. I know you still love me, but honestly... I don't feel that way anymore. You come home late and I understand you have work. I do! But most nights, you lay down, not even caring about your fiancé! Then all of a sudden, you say you want a child, and we... made the baby, yes, but no. No. I can't and won't do this. It's not working out." you finish and carry the last box out to your car. "Goodbye, Noah. See you later." with that, you hop in, close the door, buckle, and leave out of his sight. You then stop at a gas station and get out. When you go in, a man accidentally bumps into you, almost causing you to tip backwards. He quickly catches you and you thank him. "My pleasure! Luke." he sticks out his hand. "Y/N." you shake his hand. "M-May I ask... a-are you taken?" He stutters out and you giggle. "No.. I'm completely single, so don't worry about anyone hurting you. I actualky just broke up with my ex-fiancé." He sighs in relief and you giggle once again. "I love your laugh. It's adorable!" Luke compliments you and of course- you thank him. "May I ask-again- do you need somewhere to stay? I'm single-alone-and I don't want a beautiful pregnant lady like you to leave with no-one with you to stay with incase you go into labor!" Luke suggets and you reply,"Um.. I don't have a place, but are you sure? I'm actually scared because I'm in the due date and I don't want to wake you or break my waters in your home." you ramble and he shakes his head. "No no no. I'd be more than happy to let you stay. Stay as long as you need." You thank him and take the offer. Later that week, you both become a cute couple, your waters break, and he helps with your baby boy named: Nash Bryce Hemmings. "Thank you. I love you, Luke." you kiss him as he carries Nash inside and he blushes. "Not a problem at all, baby!"

hey! I hope you liked the Ashton and Luke preferences. Calum and Michael soon! Vote, follow, add to your library, etc! Byeee stay reckless.xx

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