How You/He Die(s)

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How You/He Die(s)

* Y/N- Your Name
* Y/S/N- Your Sons Name


"No! Of course I do! It's just you never let me explain, Y/N!" Ashton yells at you, as both of you have your rumor fight. "I DON'T LET YOU EXPLAIN? WOW! I DON'T-YEAH PST! OF COURSE, ASHTON!" you yell back, using your sass and sarcasm. You grab your backpack, suit case and purse with all your items, phone stuff, etc. "You always say that I don't love you, and that I cheat on you, when I clearly think about you out of the whole world! You're the only person I think about, Y/N!" Ashton shoots and you shake your head, not falling for it. You have a plane to catch for your photoshoot. "I gotta go. See you in a week. Bye." You tell him, and walk out the door with your stuff, and walk to your Orange Slugbug. You unlock the car and throw your crap in the backseat. Ashton runs out and you expect him to apologize for all the sh*t he said, but he just returns one of your bags that you've almost forgotten. You climb into the seat, shut the door, plug in the key, and buckle up. You then roll down the window and pull out of the driveway. Ashton stands there, as you leave the neighborhood, making your way to the airport.

*Coming Back*

You and Ashton have talked a few times, but still waited for his apology. This was the longest fight and you hated it, but had to wait for your 'sorry, I love you. I promise I won't hurt you again.' But, clearly you wouldn't get that. You were on your way back home, to your comfy bed, and loved boyfriend of 5 years. You were so close to the neighborhood, when your phone went off. You checked it for alittle bit, but wasn't able to see it because of the horrible damage that had happened that day, at 2:37pm. (US time) Ashton has wondered for the rest of his life, I wonder if she had ever saw the text.? But you did, because you can see on the phone screen from above.
From: Ashyyyy-Mylove♥
Baby,I'm sorry. I love you so damn much! I promise-I swear that I won't ever leave you. Be careful!.xx


"MAYBE IF YOU WOULD HAVE CHILLED, NONE OF THAT WOULD'VE HAPPENED!" you yelled at your 9 year old son. You grabbed a dust pan and bent down to clean up the broken glass from your 2 year marriage anniversary glass picture frame from Luke. (you've been married for 12 years) Luke is in the nursery, calming down your 1 year old daughter. "I-I'm sorry, mum. I didn't know it was there at the time. I'll buy another one!" Your son apologises and you shake your head. "No. Give me your phone. Go to your room. You're grounded for a week." You protest and hold out your hand as your son gives you his phone, then jogs upstairs. After you clean the mess up, Luke comes downstairs and sighs. "What happened?" he asks, getting ready for the issue. "Y/S/N broke the glass picture frame that we got for our 2 year anniversary. I grounded him from his phone." You answer and Luke shakes his head. "He didn't mean to, Y/N. Just sit down and chill. I'll be back. I'm gonna go get some movies. Stay, okay?" he orders and you nod, sitting on the couch. He jogs upstairs and then, Y/S/N comes downstairs with tears running down his face as he carries your daughter. "Baby, what's wrong?" You ask worried because your daughter's crying too. "W-" He couldn't finish the sentence because you heard, "BABE? KIDS?" You knew that was Luke. He runs downstairs and grabs the phones and wallets. "What's going on?" You ask and Luke says,"We gotta go. No questions. NOW!" You follow the kids and Luke out the door and go outside. Luke tries to start the car, but doesn't work. "We have a murderer in the house. C'mon. We gotta go somewhere." He orders, but it was all too late. The murderer had shot Y/S/N and Luke. Your daughter had died because of an injury when the murderer held her against her will. You died a week after your children and husband died.  But, atleast you were all together above.

Calum: (His POV)

"Hun, we know but you're gonna have to accept the fact that she's long gone now. But she's still in our hearts... well- yours. I could care less about that b*tch!" My girlfriend reminds me, walking me away from the cemetary, where Y/N was burried. It's been 1 year, how can she say that? "Bye." I simply say and begin to walk away, making my way to a busy street. "What!?" She asks, following me, soon attempting to stop me from going into the street. "ANSWER ME, CALLY!" (she uses the wrong nickname. His other gf used Cal.) I turn around and yell,"STOP! THAT'S A HORRIBLE NICKNAME! SHUT THE F*CK UP! LEAVE ME ALONE! I JUST WANT Y/N. NOT YOU! NOT ANY OTHER GIRL! ONLY.Y/N. SHE'S THE ONLY GIRL! WE'RE DONE! SHE'S NOT THE B*TCH, YOU ARE!"  She looks at me judgmentally, but I honestly could care f*cking less. She doesn't insult Y/N, okay? NOBODY.EVER.DOES. I flip her off, run in the street, and lets just say, that was it. All over.


"WE NEED TO GET OUT! NOW! Y/N C'MON!" you hear Michael yell, trying to pull both of you out. He mostly wanted to protect you because of the baby inside of you. Your due date was yesterday, and Michael Jr. should be here any day, any hour, any minute, any second! There was a fire in your hotel room and even though you were on the first floor, it was hard to get out. You're tired for no reason, but hey-you're preggo! Anyways, Michael pulled you along, trying his best to keep you safe, wanting to save atleast 1 or 2 lives. You two were so close to the door, but something had come out-your water. "REALLY!?" Michael yells, picking you up and carrying you out the door. The ambulence saw your need and took you two in. They shut the doors and one of the assistants started helping you. But, before you could breathe,  you were done. So was Michael. He couldn't do it anymore. He had no air, and it was too much pressure for you. It was a bad day, but good because you two died at the same time, same moment. One good thing came out, Michael Jr was able to be saved!

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