You have a miscarriage 1/2 (pt2)

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*5 years later*

The band has gotten pretty big through the years, we've had tours back to back, shows even in our free time, more signing and more meet and greets, yet I feel like y/n and I have been the same. Still hurting, still thinking about the loss, etc. Tonight we're having a show close to home, so I hope y/n goes. I leave her a ticket every concert Incase she wants to come, though I never force her. I understand it's usually harder on the mother when losing children. "Yo, Calum! It's show time." Micheal calls, knocking on the door. "Oh yeah, coming!" I reply, grabbing my water, heading outside to greet the boys, or should I say men. Luke is settled down now, has two 3 year old boys and a girl on the way. Michael is expecting his first, which happens to be a boy. Ashton just had a girl, and here I am. Married, and thinking about getting a tortoise. You'd think 5 years is enough time to move on, but the truth is, you never really move on. It's always with you. Walking on the stage, I'm greeted by y/n, smiling and looking absolutely amazing in a tight black dress. My jaw drops, surprised she's here. I run over, hugging her as if I haven't seen her in forever. It's kinda true though, I can't remember the last time she looked this happy. "Now, Calum obviously didn't know y/n was here, but WELCOME EVERYONE!" Luke hyped everyone up, fans screaming wildly now. I laugh, still holding onto y/n. "Now to my understanding, y/n does have something to announce?" Michael asks, turning to y/n. She smiles, raising the microphone to her mouth. "As everyone knows, we lost our baby 5 years ago today. It's taken us so long to cope with the loss of our first child." She turns to me, smiling and pecking my cheek. I nod, listening. "But, with every storm comes a rainbow." She hints, "When you lose a baby, and become pregnant again, the baby is called a Rainbow Baby. Calum, we have a rainbow." She turns to me, smiling, voice cracking, tears streaming. I gasp, bringing my hands to my face. "No way!" She nods, "I went to the doctor, I'm 10 weeks. I've kept it a secret because I thought it'd save another heartbreak." I laugh, ecstatic, grasping her into another long hug. The crowd literally goes wild, screaming, the boys come over to hug us. How did I not ever notice? I don't know but I'm too happy to even care.


*7 months later*

A/N: your POV

7 months. It's crazy how it's been 7 months already. 7 months of us losing our pride and joy. 7 months of heart ache, 7 months of Michael and I arguing. 7 months of grieving, 7 months of us talking about what's next. But also, 7 months of us agreeing to start again. Today, we decided to adopt. We've been interested in adopting, way before 7 months ago, as well. It's always been something we wanted to do. Him and I agreed we could adopt a younger baby, so we came to the center a few minutes ago, to look and see our options. "We do happen to have some that was recently brought in, but they happen to be twins. That's something if you're interested." The lady says, turning the corner, us following. "Can we see them?" I ask, immediately. She stops, and turns around, "of course, are you sure?" I nod, not looking at Michael. "Okay, they're right in here," she says, opening the door to our right. Walking in, the room was a light blue, white cribs and two baby boys sleeping peacefully. "Do they have names?" I whisper, tears starting to fall. She nods, "Garrett and Aaron. They are only a month old, they had just left the hospital when a driver t-boned them, sadly killing the parents on impact. Yet, the boys weren't hurt at all. As soon as they were found, the hospital sent them here. And they've been here for 5 days." She quietly tells us the story, making me turn to Michael. He looks at me, nodding, "We'd love to adopt them."

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