He's Nominated

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I'm so proud of them!!!! :') #BBMAs


Teen Choice Awards

"And.... the award for Best Drumming goes out to..... Ashton Irwin!!!"Ross Lynch and Mia Mitchelle announce. The crowd erupts and you both bounce up, hugging eachother. You congratulate him and he kisses you for a few seconds and jogs upstairs, flinging his curls out of his face, grinning as he makes his way to Ross and Mia. "Thank you guys so much. This means so much to me." Ash thanks everyone and begins his speech. "Ya know... I've always dreamt of traveling around the world, doing what I like to do. What I want to do. And now here I am!" He laughs and looks right at you. "I'd like to thank all of my fans, and the band's fans. We all really do appreciate it. I'd also like to thank my wonderful, beautiful wife, Y/N Irwin. I love you so much, baby. Thank you for putting up with all the tour business and everything that goes on.  You mean a lot to me. Just like all of you guys. Again, thank you so much!" he waves, and leaves the stage.


BillBoard Music Awards

"The nominee for Best Guitarist and Singer is..... Luke Hemmings!"  He grins and stands up, as you do the same, him hugging you, and pecks your cheek and forehead, making his way to the stage. The crowd roars with screams and shouts and 'awhs.' When he reaches the mic, and recieves the award, you smile with happiness. "Is this a dream?" he chuckles, along with the crowd. "I-W-I don't even know where to start. This is unbelievable. Really. Words can't explain. First, the subscribers. Then the little shows. Later the fan mail. Next the tour. Now the awards. I'm so thankful. I have everything I could ever want and need.  Sometimes, I stop, and think. 'Do I deserve this? Any of it?' Do I deserve all of these amazing fans, wonderful bandmates, and beautiful wife? I love you guys so much. Thank you Ash, Mikey, and Cal. Thank you management, thank you fans. And thank you, Y/N. I love you. Good night guys!" He waves and you wipe your tears that escaped your eyes. He comes back later and hugs you as you tell him,"I love you. You're fenominal." He chuckles and kisses you.



"Thank you guys! This means a lot. Every bit of it. My life is complete now that I have Y/N, Cal, Ash, and Lukey, and all of you fans. I've always wanted to stand up on stages, like these. Just singing and playing guitar with my bestfriends. My dream has come true thanks to you all and of course, youtube. One last thing, we're not a little secret anymore!" he walks off stage and kisses you when he sits back down.


IHeart Radio

"Give it up for 5 Seconds Of Summer!! Wooohooo! I don't know if it's just me, but I kinda wanna see them again! They did fantastic!"  Ariana Grande says, the croud screaming afterwards. The boys come out and Cal takes the mic. "thanks so much for having us tonight. It was a blast and I could never get tired of it. The awards that we'll recieve for the rest of our time doesn't only go to us, but to our wife's, and you guys. You all are the other half of us. we love you!"

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