That Sad Moment When....

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That Sad Moment When.....

your bestfriend from your whole life basically doesn't answer your texts or calls. :(

That Sad Moment When.....

your bestfriend from your whole life doesn't answer you at all. :(

That Sad Moment When.....

you feel as if everything you do is wrong or unappreciated. :(

That Sad Moment When.....

your crush is afraid of you hurting their heart. :(

That Sad Moment When.....

you apologise to your bestfriend for life and they don't reply or answer. :(

That Sad Moment When.....

you have a good day, and a sad, despressing song comes on, and your day turns upside down. :(

That Sad Moment When.....

one of your parents/grandparents/etc don't talk or call you when they have a divorse. :(

That Sad Moment When.....

one of your parent guardians tell you that the other doesn't care about you and you start to believe it. :(

[Heyyyy guys... so this one isn't a preference, but it is relatable moments for SOME of you. Including me. I have a UIL THEATER PERFORMANCE tomorrow, so I'll talk to you all later! Updates soon!! Stay reckless.xx]

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