You have a kid w/ someone else & you tell him

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So far, you've been on about 5 or 6 dates with him, and you've only kept one secret. You didn't want to scare him off since you're starting to like this guy. "Cal, I need to tell you something." He looks up at you, all eyes and ears. "Yeah go ahead." "I wanted to tell you this a few dates ago, but I didn't want to ruin this, but I know I need to tell you. From my previous relationship, I have a son. His name is-" you were cut off by Calum. "Kayden, right?" You nod, shocked. "I saw on your instagram. He's a cute little guy!"


Tonight you had gone on another date with Michael, and totally forgetting about your daughter with the babysitter, you just invite him over after you go to the movies. You both walk in the door and notice the babysitter on the couch. "Oh hey! Jana is already layed down. Oh I didn't know you were gonna have company over." She says getting up from the couch. "Oh this is Michael, Michael this is my babysitter. I have a daughter, Jana." He says hi and you both walk over to Jana's room. She was fast asleep. "She's adorable. Nice job, Y/N!" He laughs. "I think it's cool how you have a kid. I like kids."

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