Tweet-Reveal Your Pregnancy(You)

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@Y/T/N: Can't wait! These months will fly by, don't worry @Ashton5SOS it won't take that long. haha #Soonthebabywillbehere


@Y/T/N: Noooowww presenting- the terrific news of a new family member joining all of us in 8 months! @Luke5SOS #BabyHemmings #1monthdown8togo


@Y/T/N: I'm gonna be so big in the next 4-5 months! Not showing yet, but it won't be that long until you can really see. #Babyinsideofme


@Y/T/N: There's a gurantee that we can play video games @Michael5SOS just no running until this little thing is out of me. Haha #SorryBaby #WaitingforBabyClifford

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