Fears and Promises (IMAGINE)

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Imagine for brideofharrystyles


Thursday evening, Luke gets home around the same time he usually does. He unlocks the front door, shutting it and locking it back, entering with the "Honey! I'm home," in his beautiful Australian accent that Emmy adores. Unfortunately, Emmy doesn't hear her over the blaring of the music from Luke's band, 5 Seconds of Summer's new album. He admires her as he walks into the kitchen, watching his pregnant wife dance while cooking penne pasta and garlic bread. She turns around in the middle of dancing, laughs and turns the music down. "Hey, babe! How was the studio?" She asks, giggling while turning back around to stir the noodles. "Amazing. We're already coming up with some good ideas for the next album. How are you and my munchkin?" He asks, kissing her growing belly, "He's definitely moving. He may be interested in soccer later," she jokes, kissing Luke on the cheek. Luke and Emmy Bernice Irwin Hemmings have been married for a little over 5 and a half years, while her brother and husband's band mate, Ashton Irwin, lives with them. "Where's Ash?" She asks, changing the subject. "He went out to with the other boys for a bit; he shouldn't be gone too long," Luke answers while grabbing a beer from the fridge. Not too long after, dinner is ready and they sit at the couch, eating the delicious dinner Emmy prepared while having a Degrassi marathon, later cuddling and falling asleep together.

The next morning, Luke leaves early in the morning to get to the studio, which happens to be way earlier than any other day. Emmy wakes up, worried after not seeing any note from Luke. She brushes it off, thinking he probably did go in early. All day, getting no texts from Luke, she grows anxious, thinking the absolute worst. After eating lunch, she gets a call from Ashton, so she quickly answers, "Hello?" "Emmy! How are you feeling?" He asks, getting out of breath. "I'm fine." She tries to compose herself and keep herself from breaking down, especially on the phone with her brother. "Emmy! What's wrong?" he asks, worried, "I just think Luke is cheating on me. You know what happened in my past relationships!" She starts to cry, sniffling on the phone.  "No, Emmy, we had to come in early this morning because something went wrong with our papers last night. We had everything written down but somehow our papers are missing," Ashton tries to explain to his crying sister. "But I haven't even gotten a text from Luke all day! You know what? I'll let you go. I don't need to be bothering you with my relationship problems. Love you, bye." She quickly hangs up, putting her phone on silent and rushes upstairs to her and Luke's bedroom. 

A few hours pass and Luke comes home, rushing upstairs to their bedroom, to find Emmy crying softly on her side of the bed, facing away from the door. "Baby?" Luke whispers, feeling guilty. "If you're here to pack your stuff, just make it fast," she replies, not turning to look at him. Luke pouts, crawling on the bed right next to her, "What happened? Are you okay?" He kisses her shoulder, rubbing her back. "I don't want to lose you but I can't make you stay," she responds, voice shaking. Luke shakes his head, "Darling, you're not losing me and I'm not going anywhere. Ashton told me you were upset but if you would have picked up the phone, you'd know I was super busy earlier. I didn't mean to not tell you but all our notes and papers were lost and we had to work double time. I didn't mean to hurt you, sugar." He sweetly kisses her cheek, in return her turning around to face him with red, puffy eyes. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just even more emotional." He nods his head, "don't apologize, I just wish you you'd talk to me about how you're feeling. You know I love you, my little chocolate croissant." He winks, kissing Emmy and they lay together, just holding each other.

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