How You Meet [Part 1]

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Picture Perfect

"C'mon Y/N! Just one more picture?" your bestfriend asks, holding her phone up in a selfie position and you sigh. You look up one more time, bur instead of looking at the phone and smiling, you look at these deep eyes and smile.


Stars Bring Us Together

You were penny boarding in the sunset on the beach with your best guy friend, Nathan. Yes, the Nathan Sykes. He decided to take the joke to a whole other level, making it pull you over the edge. You leaned forward, which brought your board to lean with you after you hit a stick surrounded by sand. You never noticed a blue eyed boy infront of you, but you both scrambled together.


The Best Mates

"So.... Y/N, I kinda want to introduce you to my best mates! They'll love you, trust me. I actually kinda maybe talk about you." He admits and you nod at Luke Hemmings, your childhood "brother." He's that close to you. "Ughhhhh okayyyyyy." you groan, playfully and he chuckles. "Alright. COME ON OUT!" He yells and you notice the door open, revealing 3 boys. "Heyyyyy you must be that one chick that he always talks about!" a guy with curly hair predicts and you blush. "ASHTON!" another guy yells. He has black hair and brownish eyes. "What?" I'm guessing Ashton asks. "Listen up- we don't talk to ladies that way!" the boy tells him and he says,"Sorry, m'lady-wait did I say that wrong? Okay whatever. I'm sorry." You accept his apology and the others chuckle and shake their heads.


Let Fate Decide

"Okay so I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded a video last week, so I'm making one this week. I just got a smoothie and I'm on my way to Bria's you'll see her then. I'm just gonna go because ya know... I have nothing to do so I'll see ya then!  Byyeeee." you end the vlog and stop recording. Right before you look back up, you feel a hard surface. Why did the cup suddenly lighten? You slowly look up to see a guy with multi colored hair covered in your cherry smoothie. "Oh my cheerios! I'm so sorry! I'll get you another shirt. I'm so sorry I can't believe I did that!" you apologize and he stops you. "No,it's okay! Really! But you could give me your number?" he flirts and you blush.

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