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After awhile with the baby, you realize that it's been way more difficult than you expected. You were shopping at the store one day and got a text from an unknown number. "You look beautiful today." Not knowing who it is, you responded asking who it was."You don't have my number?" The familiar voice asks, walking into the same aisle as you. "Ashton? Well I deleted your number and tried to remove you from my memory." You explain, overwhelmed from his presence. "I miss you, Y/N. It was very wrong of me to tell you what you can or can't do with our baby. And I screwed up really bad. I'm so sorry and I'm hoping you can accept the apology?" "Ashton, I accept your apology and I've missed you too." You say, looking down so he won't see your blurred eyes from the tears. "Be mine. Don't cry, please." You could tell he was upset by the pain in his voice. You wipe your tears and hug him, your bump in the way.


Your friend was over, the day that marks 4 months of your pregnancy, 4 months that you've been away from Luke. It was the hardest thing ever, but having your friend made it a little better. At least you weren't completely alone. "I wanna watch Finding Nemo. Is that okay with you?" She asks, standing up from the couch. "Perfectly fine with me." You respond, trying not to think of Luke. You guys always watched Disney movies. Your favorite was Finding Nemo. "I'm gonna get a drink." You say, standing up. "Want me to grab it?" "No I'm good, thanks." You protest, walking to the kitchen, and grabbing your water bottle with flavoring. On your way back to the living room, the doorbell rang. "I got it." You exclaim. Opening the door, you come face to face with Luke. He was trying to catch his breathe. He was a wreck. Bloodshot eyes, tear stained face, messy hair, stuffy nose, sweats and a loose tee. "Luke!? Are you okay?" You ask, worried about him. "I'm sorry. I'm such a jerk and I know this is random, but let me just explain." He sobs, body shaking. You hold up a finger and walk over to your friend. "I'm gonna go talk to Luke outside. I'll be fine, I promise. Go ahead and start the movie. I'll be back to finish it with you." She sighs and nods. Once you get back, you close the door behind you. You both sit on the porch, facing each other. "I miss you. I've been dead the last 4 months. We paused tour because of the way I've been. I feel bad, I feel bad about what I did to you, I feel bad about what I've done to the boys, and to the fans. But I'm willing to pause everything if I can just get you back. I don't deserve you, but I need you. I'm so sorry and-" he's cut off by your lips on his. "You're okay, Luke. Just don't leave me or the baby." You beg, tears streaming down your face. Immediately nodding, he kisses you again. "I promise."


While you were out at Chipotle with your gay guy friend, you notice a familiar figure glancing at you. You knew for a fact it was Calum. Calum had known your gay friend, so if you guys talked, he knew it wasn't your boyfriend. But you felt the butterflies in your stomach from the fact that Cal was in the same room as you. You missed him and would take him back any second of your life. Trying not to bring it up, you just talk to your friend and finish off your food. After taking a drink, you get up to go to the restroom. "I'll be back." He nods. You walk away and turn, making your way to the washrooms. (I feel professional.😂) before you walked into the ladies room, someone stops you. Turning around, you come face to face with Calum. "I miss you." You blurt out, then blush. "I do too. It was wrong of me. I don't want to have to do this speech thing, but I need you. And I definitely need that baby. I hate myself every second and I miss you guys. Please come back." You nod and kiss him sweetly. "Okay well call me and I'll help you bring your stuff back. I love you baby." He kisses you once more then the bump. You grin and hug him then go into the restroom.

^did that suck?


"I miss him. I know he said that in the moment, but I don't know. I know he wouldn't ever mean to say it. I'd accept him in a heartbeat. He wouldn't want to hurt me and he and I both know that he wants his own baby. He's always wanted one. So if I could just see him, I'd kiss him and then we'll see what he thinks. I can't live without him." You explain to your sister. "I know Mikey. He loves you and I don't doubt that he wants your baby. All you need to do is find him." She suggests and you nod. You sigh and look around. You were at a park. There were kids running around, babies playing with their moms. That'll be you and your baby soon. "You don't have to look anymore." You hear. You gasp and turn around. Mikey. "Y/N, you won't need an explanation and I hope I don't have to give one. I'm always here for when you need me and I'm not going anywhere. I'm such a d**k and I know that. But I can't live without you. And I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you and our punk rock baby. Now I know this is weird because we literally broke up 2 months ago, but I can't go through this crap again. Will you marry me?" Crying, you nod and kiss him. "I missed you, Mikey." He grins, "I missed you both." You peck his lips and thank you sister and she laughs, walking away.


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