You have a miscarriage 1/2 (pt 2)

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A/n: welcome back! I'm very blessed to have all of you still here. I can't thank you enough for your support throughout these years. I'm working on getting back into a schedule for writing and updating, but College life is stressful😂 so bare with me! These updates have been really hard to write but it's a real thing families deal with. If you wouldn't mind keeping my cousin and my family in your prayers, if you pray. We got the news of her miscarrying her first child. I really appreciate it.

Now this will be set into the guys' POV, but changes will be noted! Thank you and enjoy. Feel free to comment or leave recommendations!


*2 Years Later*

"Can you believe she was born on our anniversary?" Y/n asks, looking at the newborn in the clear bed next to her hospital bed. "I know, it's crazy. It's already been 5 years." I'm completely lost at words to be honest. Our marriage was on the rocks for a bit after losing the first baby, but you could say we came back stronger than ever. Of course we still think about the baby, we were so excited. The ultrasound was supposed to be us seeing the progress, we were already picking names. Then the world turned upside down, and twisted a million times. It made us sick, knowing our baby was stripped away from us. But, looking at Faith, we know maybe this is what was supposed to happen. She's our rainbow baby. "You think we could have another?" I ask randomly, turning to y/n who's been staring at Faith all morning. She giggles, "how about we make it with this one first. I'd love to, though. I want to have all your kids." I laugh, nodding. "Maybe we should adopt too." I say, leaving the option on the table, "there's so many without parents and so many who don't have a home." She sheds a tear, "that sounds amazing, babe."


*4 months later*

Sitting at the dining room table, I look at the paper again, not believing it's really happening. "Luke, this is best for both of us." She says, softly. I slowly nod, not knowing what's best anymore. "She was my baby too." I quietly speak, so quiet she couldn't hear. "Did you say something?" She asks, confused. I shake my head, not wanting to get into it. Reaching for the pen, she clears her throat, "Luke, what'd you say? And look at me this time!" She starts to get annoyed. Tears stream down my face, I slowly turn to her. She raises her eyebrows, "now, speak louder." "She was my baby too." I say a bit louder, enough for her to hear. She slams her hand on the table, standing up fast. "Yeah well you didn't carry her for the months I did! You didn't feel her kick, you didn't have cravings, you didn't throw up the mornings I did, you didn't pee every five minutes like I did!" Her voice gets louder, veins  becoming visible in her neck. I shake my head, "but she was mine too. I didn't do any of that, but I did love her just as much as you did." I keep my voice low, not having the energy. "But you didn't feel her! There's no way you loved her the same way I did. You didn't do anything, Lucas. Just sign the papers." She rolls her eyes, angrily wiping away a tear. I scribble my signature on the papers, sliding them over to her. "Just because I didn't carry her or physically feel her, doesn't mean I didn't love her or care for her. She was my world and you were too. I did my best for you two. Don't say I didn't do anything, I gave you the house, the love and the life to comfortably live without working. I hate even bringing that up, but it's true. We created a life and we both lost her. I have the right to hurt." I stand up, sniffling, and go to the door to open it for her. "Just tell me what else needs to happen, I guess. I need to be alone, so if you don't mind." She sighs, rolling her eyes, "I get it, you feel pain but maybe this was never supposed to be us." She looks at me once more before leaving.

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