He Notices You Somewhere & He Likes You

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He Notices You Somewhere & He Likes You

* Y/N- Your Name
* Y/F/N- Your Friends Name


"Luke. Luke right over here! LU-" "What!?" You hear behind you. You're a famous Modeler and you're standing there, on the red carpet, with Luke Hemmings and his obnoxious girlfriend. How can he put up with her?, You think. "Oh good! You're finally listening to your beautiful girlfriend! Now, can you please be a doll and ho-LUKE! LUKKKKKKKKEEEEEE!" You roll your eyes and shake your head as you hear that girl yelling at him. You're just about to go out, when you feel yourself go forward. You fall and feel someone laying ontop of you. "Oh, sorry love! Need help?" you realize that the beautiful voice belonged to Luke Hemmings. He helped you up and you noticed his girlfriend standing beside him, arms crossed, glaring at you. Her blonde hair curled, green eyes and pale skin caked with makeup. "LUKE! LISTEN TO ME!" she yells, angered and he turns to her and whispers something that you didn't her because you had fixed your hair and walked out of the tent that was closed for pictures. When you walked out, you could hear all the screams for you and you grinned at the sight and noise. After the event, gou were just about to leave, when you noticed Luke's girlfriend walking out of the event with tear stained cheeks, but a smile on her face as she holds hands with another guy. You roll your eyes and keep walking, unil you hear- "Y/N! Y/N, WAIT!" You stop walking and turn around to see Luke Hemmings running towards you. "H-Hi?" you say, but it turns out as a question and he says the same. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me? Tomorrow, say 3-ish?" "Sure." you reply chuckling.  "Oh and by the way, you look beautiful in that dress." He winks and gives you a peice of paper with his number on it. He jogs away in his suit, and hops into his black limo.  You grin and look down at your black and white high-low dress. You turn back around and make your way to the white limo and hop in, still thinking of Luke's handsome face.


"He-Holy who's that? LUKE! LUKE! LUKE! LUKE! LUKEEEEEE! WHO'S SHEEEEE?" Ashton yells, trying to get Luke's attention, asking about you as you walked our of Lids, the hat store. Luke turns to Ashton and Ashton points in your direction. Luke looks at you and says,"Her name's Y/N. She's an actress." Luke answers and you hear whistling as you sit down on the bench with your best friend, Y/F/N. You both turn your heads and notice your favorite band walking up. You've always been an Ashton girl, while Y/F/N is a Luke girl. You both chill and look up to see 5 Seconds Of Summer standing infront of you. "Hello!" Y/F/N greets the 4 boys, but mostly focusing on Luke. You hug them and Ashton blushes. All 6 of you end up hanging out and becoming great friends.... Later in life, Y/F/N ends up marrying Luke and having 1 boy and 2 girls. You and Ashton marry eachother in your early 20's, and adopt 1 boy, and have 1 girl.:) (A/N: Feel free to fangirl!:D)


You were walking into one of your favorite stores in Texas, listening to all of 5SOS songs on your phone, wishing you had tickets to their concerts for next week. You enter the store and turn your music up louder, wanting nothing to do with anyone else at the moment because of the horrible news you got. Your mum had just passed after struggling awhile from cancer, your dad was shot, and everyone, including friends hated you at the time. Without socialising, you began to look through some cute shirts and jeans. You picked out a shirt and jeans and walked into a dressingroom. You walk out after changing and look in the mirror. You notice a handsome guy come up behind you, and you soon realize... That's Calum Hood! You act cool and hear him say,"You look beautiful! Hey aren't you Y/N, a fashion designer?" You nod and thank him. "Yes, I am! And you're Calum Hood! ohmygo- sorry. I I just can't help myself. I love you so much!" He chuckles and gives you a strap of paper that has 10 digits written on it and tickets to his concert with a VIP pass. After shopping, you dial the number and become great friends with Calum. You both end up marrying eachother in your 20-30's, and have 3 kids.


"So, Michael. We know that you have a thing for Y/N. Have you ever met her?" The host asks, and your palms sweat, listening to the host, waiting for her to give you her signal. "Uhm. No not really, but I know it won't ever happen because of she's too beautiful and amazing, she won't have the time for me." He responds and your heart breaks. You have a big crush on Michael and you never wanted to hear him say that.... well, you love the part where he calls you beautiful and amazing. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. How about we give you a valentine gift, but you'll have to promise, you won't ever hurt it.?" He nods and she says,"Well, let's bring it out!" She walks to the curtain and you follow her out. You're dressed in yours and his favorite outfit that you own. You have black flats on, and your hair natural. "NOOO WAYYYY! HEEEELLLOOOOO!" Michael screams and you giggle. He wobbles over to you and wraps you into a hug. You hug him back and blush. "I'll never break her! She's-no way! Wait. So I'm pretty much your boyfriend?" He infers and you nod, answering the plan. "WOW! WOWWWWWW! I LOVE YOU, BABY!" He yells and hugs you again. You've never felt more loved in your life.


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