Recitals [is that what it's called?] (small) {WITH REACTION}

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"You are my best friend, my love, you are the definition of perfection. I never believed there was perfection until I can across you. So every time I look up the word, "perfection" or "perfect"- there's a picture of you. All the gorgeous, small features made up of you are beautiful. Even the small flaws are beautiful. You yourself are a beautiful, perfect creature that I can't and shall not live without. I love you so much, my dear."

Spilled my heart out on that one^❤️


"You are my baby. You are mine. By this life changing event, I promise that I will never let anything happen to you, because you are my baby, you are my wife. You are my life. And I'm making this commitment to have you in it for the rest of our existence. And I can't wait for us to bring along others so we can form a beautiful family. I'm making this promise so life for us is permanent. I really love you."

Tbh- that one was cute^💕


"This is so nerve racking. Can you imagine us becoming an official couple- not dating or engaged couple, official-by-law couple. That is such a beautiful thing to me. When I was younger, I'd have moments where I wouldn't want anything to do with girls, then I would want everything to do with them. It's pretty bizarre how I'm making this decision. But I'm not regretting it. Yeah this is pretty freaking crazy, but not stupid crazy. I love you."

Idk what to sayyyyy^🙊


"I know I'm supposed to be punk rock here, but I feel that I can go a day like this without being punk rock. Okay- maybe I'll have a little punk rock in today. But anyways- I believe it's pretty FRIKKIN punk rock to get married to a woman like you. I know that some dudes are gonna be upset after they find out haha. But I love you so much, that I'm willing to become yours any day, anyway, any time, anywhere. As long as it's for you. This is all for you, baby."

Michael was pretty fun to write^😄


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