He Sees Your Room

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He Sees Your Room

*Y/N- Your Name

*Y/M/N- Your Moms/Mums Name

*Y/D/N- Your Dads Name



"Hello, Luke! You must be Y/N's boyfriend. I'm Y/M/N, This is Y/D/N. Please, come in." Y/M/N welcomes Luke and you stand there, embarrassed, next to your Mum/Mom and Dad. "Thank you, love. Nice to meet you both." Luke greets them and winks at you and you flutter inside. "We'll be in the kitchen!" Your parents call and you nod, along with Luke doing the same thing. "Would you like a tour?" you ask and Luke respond with a,"Yes please!" You giggle and start making your way through your house. You were in the hall, beside your bedroom door and noticed your 5 Seconds Of Summer poster on the outside of the door. Luke came out of the room across from your door and noticed you struggling to hide it. He smirked and came towards you. Before you could rip the poster down, Luke had opened your door. He walked inside and you covered your face, following him successfully inside. Your walls were painted teal and purple, 1/10 covered in Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, and 7/10 covered Luke Hemmings posters. You were a huge fan, and your parents knew, they just tried not to admit it to Luke because of the talk that you had had wih them before. "Awh! You're a fan?" Luke asked, touched with all the,'I love Luke Robert Hemmings' posters that you made. You look down at the carpet and he lifts your chin upward. You look at him and he says,"That's great, awesome, fantastic, incredible, amazing, touching actually. I find this extremely adorable, Y/N. We should come in here a lot more!" You giggle and he leans down as you lean in.


"PLEASEEEEEEE!?" Ashton yells in your ear, repeatedly asking if he can see your hidden room. You've always firbidden it because you thought it looked too girly and too childish. "No. Maybe later." you respond and he pouts his lip while crossing his arms over his chest. You smirked and focused back on writing your new chapter of your preferences. After awhile, Ashton decided to aggrivate you …again. "Y/N! PLEASEEEE!?" You finally gave in because of how annoying it was getting. You got up from the couch that was set in your livingroom, and made your way up the stairs with Ashton quickly following behind you. You soon reach your room and open the door. Ashton runs in and starts looking around. Your walls are blue and green, some posters hung up- mostly Avengers- some pictures hung up-even drawings. You have a drum set in the corner, blue and green polka dotted bed, white carpet, blue bed rug, white dressers, silver mirrors. "Woooooowwwww!" Ashton lets out, admiring your room. "Y-You like it?" You ask surprised and he nods while grinning. "It's amazing!" He responds and you immediately feel a lot better about your bedroom.


"I showed you mine, though. Pwetty pwetty pwetty pweaseeeee?" Calum asks, acting like a 3 year old asking for a special toy at the store. "Fineeee. ughhhhh! But please don't judge, Okay Cal?" You tell him and he nods, standing up from spot that he was sitting in. You follow his actions and walk down the hall, and open your white colored door, revealing your unexposed bedroom. Calum doesn't say anything. He just walks in, goes around the room, and examins every detail. When he reaches you again, you ask,"So?" "So.... it's awesome! I never knew you liked to draw! You should give me some pointers sometime, Y/N!" Once his words leave his mouth, you fall even deeper inlove with him.


"Hey, wanna know what I just realized?" Michael asks, breaking the intense silence between you two as you boh played COD (Call Of Duty). You stay focused on the addicting game and yet reply with,"Mn?" After awhile of silence, Michael says,"I've never seen your room." You roll your eyes as in 'like that's ever going to happen!' He scoffs and says,"I'm serious! I want to see it." You roll your eyes once again and simple reply,"No." He turns his head to you and you ignore his stare. "Yes!" He starts and you sigh,"No." "Yes!" he argues and you think, You really wanna play that game!? "No!" you exclaim, pausing the game, and turning your head to face him. "Yes!" He argues again. This goes on for 15 minutes until Michael finally gets up and runs down the hall, checking all rooms. You immediately jump up, and start chasing after him. Once you reach the door to your room, you walk in through the opened room, noticing Michael grinning as he checks out all of your gaming posters, animation drawings, etc. "Wow! *deep breathe* That's awesome. This is amazing, Y/N! Why'd you hide it?" He asks and you shrug, looking at the ground beneath your feet. "Never hide anything, Okay? I love this!" Ever since then, you've never been ashamed of sharing anything wih Michael.


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