He Wants A Family [2/4]

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"Uh.. Y/N?" you look up from your book and smile. "Mn?" "Can I talk to you?" your husband asks and you close your book worried and ask,"Is it bad?" Ash shakes his head and you sigh in relief. "Go ahead, I'm listening." you smile and he comes straight out wih it,"I love you and we're married, so I'm pretty sure it'd be okay, but I want a-a kid. I know it's weird, but I just feel like we can do this." You grin from ear to ear at his response. "THAT'S AMAZING! ASHTON, YOU DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW!!!" you yell and jump up to  him and he catches you, wrapping your legs around his back. "Well... When do you wanna start?" he winks and you roll your eyes.


"I'm so happy for you. Congragulations again!" You congratulate Calum and his wife on their exciting news of a baby on the way. "Congrats, Cal. I bet you made her sore. She's probably used to it, though." Luke chuckles along with Cal as his wife rolls her eyes and you kick Luke's shin under the table.  You glare at him and he winks and kisses your cheek. "If you'd like, we'll take the twins?" you offer and they reply with,"that'd be wonderful! Thank you so much, Y/N. We'll be back with them and their bags." Cal's wife thanks you and you nod as they both leave to get ready to drop off their Son and Daughter, twins, age 4 for both of them. When they leave, Luke widens his eyes and you smirk. The next day, after they pick up their twins, Luke asks,"You think it's time?" "What are you talking about?" you ask confused and he responds, "Kids. Babies." You blush big time and he says, "I'm taking that as a yes, lets go." he grabs your hands and things escalated from there... ;)

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