You have a miscarriage 1/2 (pt 1)

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Welcome back! I hope y'all enjoyed that last update. It was late and I just wrote Thank You when I came up with the idea. I also thought of this one when I was writing You're Dating Someone Else (His thoughts). I hope y'all enjoy this one as well. It is a very sad update but it's also things women, men, family's deal with all across the world. This is awareness for those who don't understand what these people go through. Rest In Peace to all the rainbow babies. If anyone would like to talk about anything, I'm available.

This is written in multiple povs, starting off w the guys' povs. Transitions will be noted.


I'm beyond excited! Y/n has an ultrasound today and we finally get to hear the heartbeat! We're also far along enough that we may find out the sex. We've been through so much and I'm so glad things are finally good for us. "Ash! We need to get going!!" She calls for me, I walk into the living room of our new apartment. We moved from a one bed room to a two bedroom, leaving the additional room for the baby. Walking into the living room, I see her sliding her purse over her shoulder, straightening out her shirt that's gradually tightening over her growing belly. She smiles, noticing me walk in, "I'm here, darling." She nods, taking my hand as we walk out the door, locking it and making our way to the car. We were lucky enough to get a first floor apartment. I help her get into the passenger seat, closing her door and going to my side. The drive there was peaceful, listening to great music and going over names. I insist James for a boy. She insists Zachary. What she doesn't know, is that I'm on board with Zachary; I just love arguing with her over names. Soon after we check in, the doctor calls us back, taking us into the room. "How are you feeling today, y/n?" He asks, gloving up. I turn to her smiling face, she never stops smiling. I love that. "I feel really good, I think we've come to terms with each other." She giggles, rubbing her stomach. "Great! Well, are we ready to see the baby?" He asks, squirting gel on his wand, then placing it on her stomach. As I sit by her side, I squeeze her hand three times. She squeezes three back. "You're precious, which means James will be too." I joke, kissing her hand. "Zacha-" she's then cut off by the doctor. "I'm afraid that I can't find the baby. Shall we try the heartbeat? You know, sometimes this happens." I quickly glance at her. She slowly nods, her eyes losing light. I rub my thumb over her hand, "He's got stage fright." I say, using my other hand to run down her hair, stopping by her cheek, rubbing my thumb on her cheek stained with a tear. Moments pass, no sound. "I'm incredibly sorry, miss y/n. I can't imagine how you feel at this moment. Times like this can be very hard and I know you were excited. I will give you two a few moments." He apologizes, handing her paper towels, leaving the room. I turn to y/n, her mascara running down her face. My baby. Our baby. We took precautions.


As I sit on the couch in our shared house, I flip through channels, finding something to interest me this late at night. Y/n is in our bed, definitely mad at me. Our fight wasn't the best we've had but also it's something we can get over. I may have taken it too far, especially her being 31 weeks pregnant. I know I shouldn't push her to do anything or agree on anything she doesn't want. I mean, what kind of guy basically forces their fiancée to make the dinner because the guy worked all day? She's carrying our daughter. Man, I really messed up. Standing up, I walk over to our door, quietly turning the knob, opening the door. Seeing her laying on her side, facing the wall, I walk over to her side, kneeling. Her eyes flutter open, then shutting. "Sugar?" I whisper, as if others were sleeping. "What?" "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be treated like that and I should know how you're feeling and how miserable you are with her growing bigger each day." I apologize, stroking her cheek. She smiles, opening her eyes. "It's okay, I'm sorry for overreacting." I shake my head, insisting that I messed up. "You didn't. I acted out of line. I love you, forever." She starts to sit up, "I love you, always." I kiss her, helping her stand, as she gives me the signal to pee. "I really really need to pee. I peed like 5 minutes ago, I don't know what's going on! She's being a pain already." She jokes, standing as I put my hands on her sides to help. As she moved to the left of me, walking, I notice something I haven't seen in many months. Something I've only seen once a month at some points. "Uh-uh-uhm." I stutter, finding the way to even ask or tell her. "What's up, love?" She asks, waddling to the bathroom door. "Man I feel like I wet myself." She laughs, opening the door. I quickly follow her, "uhm babe?" She turns to me, asking what's wrong. "I think we may have a problem... there's blood." I state, pointing to the bed. She furrows her eyebrows, sliding her pants down and sitting on the toilet, noticing her pants full of red stains. She gasps, shaking. "No no no, what is this???" She asks, crying. "We were almost there, Luke! I can't lose her, we have everything ready, we have names, we have funding set up, we ha-" I cut her off, cradling her, tears streaming down my face. The loss of a child, our child. We've heard about this, we were warned. We had faith yet it was stripped from us.

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