You Surprise Him During An Interview (2/4)

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shoutout to @TracyTheUnicorn for this preference(: thank you xx


"So, who all has girlfriends? I know there should be at least one... Uhmmmm- I think it's... Calum?" You snicker quietly from the back, watching as the interviewer asks questions. "Aha no, that'd be me ahah." Ashton raises his arm laughing. You blush, your face turning red as he laughed. "Oh my bad, sorry about that. Uh how long have you and uh- Y/N been together now?" He asks, looking up from his paper. "Actually, today marks 2 years." He blushes, looking down, grinning as the other guys "AWH!" "Awh well isn't that special! How do you feel about her- if you don't mind me asking." You grin, blushing even more. "She's such a beautiful, gorgeous young lady. Hopefully she doesn't kill me for saying this, but she used to call herself fat and ugly and just bring herself down, but I helped with that, y'know? I hate seeing and hearing her talk negative about herself because it just breaks my heart. But now she respects herself and she's such a sweetheart and I love her to death. I'd do anything for her." He finishes and everyone whistles and cheers. "Well that's sweet! Do you happen to know where she is at the moment? Did you bring her on tour?" He glances at the guys, then back at the interviewer. "Uh actually, she's home. We sadly weren't able to bring her along. I wish she was here though. That'd be incredibly awesome." The interviewer "awhs" and begins your que. "Well, Ashton to celebrate you and Y/N's 2 year relationship, it'd be my honour to bring out your love, Y/n!!" You almost tear up as you walk in the room, Ashton sanding up and racing to you, grasping you in a hug. "Hey baby." You grin, nuzzling your head in his neck. "I missed you so much and I love you and happy anniversary,babe. I love you oh my gosh I missed you." You laugh and pull away. He kisses you and you respond, "I love you too. I missed you tons and happy anniversary!"
Dude- that was long😂


"Good evening, boys! So let's get right to it, who has the girl?" Jill, the interviewer asks. Cal laughs, raising his hand. "Ahhh, of course, Hood. She's gorgeous!" She says, looking at the picture of you and him off guard on the screen. You were at the beach, playing with water-filled nerf guns- wearing his shirt over your bathing suit- he was shooting you as you were laughing and screaming at the same time. That picture happened to be his lock-screen. "She is. Very beautiful, I'm so lucky to have her." Cal expresses, looking at the picture. "You said this was your lock-screen from a previous interview. Have you changed it?" She asks and Cal shakes his head, smiling. "Nah that's still my lock-screen but I do happen to have a new background." She grins, nodding. "I believe I have that picture too." She says, switching the slide. Then, his background pops up. "Aha- here we go!" You guys were under the mistletoe on Christmas Day, after opening presents, you noticed there was a mistletoe and he kissed you right then and there. You were dressed in his sweats and his hoodie, your hair in a messy bun- no makeup. "This is so cute! You guys look so happy." She says, admiring the picture. "She makes me happy. We do have small arguments, and have had a fight, but she's my rock and I love her with all of me. She does have flaws, but they aren't flaws to me. She's my one and only." Everyone "awhs" and she begins your time to come in. "That is so adorable! I'm happy for you guys. I also heard that it's her birthday today and usually, you'd be there for her- but since you have a tour, that wasn't able to work out. So, I decided to surprise you on her birthday. Come on out, Y/N!" That's when you come walking in, Cal grinning and hugging you immediately. "Happy birthday, baby. I love you with all my heart." "Thank you, I love you too, babe." He kisses you sweetly and passionately and you guys sit together for the rest of the interview.

Sorry they were pretty long! Lol tbh I liked writing them though. Gosh I need a boyfriend. 😂 the other two will be updated this week. I've been extremely busy and I've been having headaches and a runny nose for about 2 weeks now😩it's not fun. Ilysm and THANK YOU FOR 20K VOTES! YOU GUYS ARE INCREDIBLE! ❤️❤️❤️💋💋xx-H

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