SURPRISE! [You're in a band]

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Y/B/M21 Your Band Member 1

Y/B/M2- Your Band Member2


"Good evening, babes! Just wanted to thank you all for coming out tonight. This really means a ton and I want you to know- Every time I say it, believe it- because I truly mean it. Anyways, aside of the sappy stuff- Y/B/M1 said she had a surprise! So, let's give the attention to her. WHOOOO!" You step aside, fixing your earpiece and grinning as she began talking. You laugh as she begins telling the 'Joke Of The Day' "I'm glad you guys liked that... haha I worked soooo hard! Nah, I'm just kidding. But yeah, like Y/N said- I do have a surprise. Y/B/M2 can you bring it out?" She asks, turning to Y/B/M2, then turning back to the crowd and winking. You laugh and fix your hair real quick, looking down a you try to move it around. While you're looking down, you hear the crowd become louder, then quieter. Right as you start to lift your head up, arms snake around your waist. You turn around and notice your boyfriend standing in-front of you, hands still planted on your waist. "Ashton frikkin Irwin!" You shout as he laughs, pulling you into a wanted hug. "Surprise! We decided that I'd come and surprise you." He pecks your lips and you grin. "I love you haha."


"Heyyy! Oh my, I'm so incredibly lucky to be able to do this. Wow... LOOK AT THE COWD! Guys, this is so awesome. Holy cow." You say, looking around the arena. "Okay, Y/N. We get it. Haha. So, it'd be awesome if you could tweet the songs you want us to sing. Sound good?" Y/B/M1 asks as you and Y/B/M2 nod. Then, tons of tweets start to come in. After singing some covers of songs, Y/B/M2 begins to talk. "Okay, so we'll go ahead and get some questions. Go ahead and end some questions and we'll answer them. Ready, set, GO!" You look towards the screen, and notice the first question asks 'Can you do a handstand?' You laugh, setting your mic on the stage and placing your hands on the bare floor. You kick your legs up and stay for a few seconds before walking on your hands. After you're done, you stand back up and hear the crowd screaming even louder. You blush, but then notice that your boyfriend, Luke had showed up on the stage. "LUKE!" You call, running to him and he laughs, picking you up and spinning you in 3 circles. "I missed you too much." He says, kissing your lips.

Hey guys:) So this is only gonna be Luke and Ashton for this part. Next, I'll write Calum and Michael. Sorry if there are errors, I tried to edit this the best I could. Also, I'm not the best typer- so mind the mistakes. Haha, anyways ilysm and another update soon! I make youtube videos, so if you're interested in them, go ahead and search 'Holly Roden.' on youtube. There are 2 One Direction concert videos, and 2 videos of me talking. Kay but yeah- again, ilysm and Thanks:) VOTE, SHARE, COMMENT (go subscribe) xx

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