He Wants A Family [2/4]

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Calum sits at the table, looking at the empty space next to his chair. The past 2 weeks have been sad and depressing, hearing about the lost of the baby. Cal hasn't realized how much it made an impact on him about having his own children until that second. "Y/N?" he asks and you turn afound from the microwave. "Yeah?" " How would feek about trying again?" You seem to quickly understand and your fice brightens.


Michael sits on the couch as you bring food into the livingroom, wanting to eat as you watch him play a Football [US football] videogame on tv. "You know what I just realized?" He asks you and you chuckle and respond with,"What?" "I think it'd be amazing to have our own son playing these games with me. Us chilling on the couch, playing games, you and our daughter beside us, laughing about how weird and crazy we are." he speaks out and your heart flutters. "Y-You really think that?" you ask in disbelief and he nods, his eyes sparkling with love and imagination. "I really do."

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