Meeting (another preference)

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you meet :)


You wipe your hands, and walk back to the counter to see a really handsome hot guy walking inside with a little boy. "Hello! What can I get you?" You grin, placing your hands on the counter. "PIZZAAA!" The little boy shouts. You giggle and nod. "Anything for you?" You ask the guy. "A date with you." He winks and you laugh. "Possibly a side of new pick up lines too?" He laughs and you snicker. "Two boxes of pepperoni pizza, and your number." He wiggles his eyebrows and you laugh once again, going to get the pizza. You then write your 10 digits on the top box, then walk back, and hand him the pizza after he pays. "I'll call you." He winks and walks out with the little boy, not even knowing each other's names.


"I miss you, I miss you." Calum sings as you slow down in your walking, listening to them sing I Miss You by Blink 182. As they finish the song, you drop a 10 and 5 dollar bill into the guitar case that they have set out. "Thank you so much!" One says. "You're welcome. That was very good. I loved it." You grin. You move your bangs out if your face as the wind blows. "Uh, can I ask what your name is?" The one with dark hair asks. "Y/N." You smile. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Calum, this is Luke, Michael, and Ashton." You shake hands with all of them and exchange numbers, talking while carrying on what you had planned next.


"So, Y/N.. Have you heard about your secret admirer?" The interviewer asks. "No... I didn't know I had one. Haha." You say, snickering. "Well you have another thing coming. I'm pretty sure we've all heard about this upcoming band, 5 Seconds Of Summer!" Everyone cheers and I laugh, shaking my head. "I think I've seen them before, just never listened to them." You explain. "Well, Y/N... We have a Skype call for you and your admirer." The interviewer says, clicking on the computer as a very attractive guy shows upon the screen. "Hello, Y/N! I'm such a huge fan!" The guy says. "Hiii! Thank you, what's your name?" You grin, asking. "Luke Hemmings. You're gorgeous and beautiful and I'd love to take you in a date sometime if that's okay with you?" He replies, and you blush. "I'd love to!"


You walk out of your apartment, closing and locking the door, and before you could look up after turning around, you bump into someone. "Crap, I'm so sorry." The man says. You look up and the first thing you notice is his bright hair. "Hi." He says, smiling. "Hi." You giggle. "I'm Michael." He brings his hand to meet yours. "Y/N." You grin, shaking his hand.


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