Argument & Meeting [2/4]

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"NO! YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT! UNDERSTAND ME, YOUNG LADY!?" your mum yells at you. "I didn't do anything!" you defend and your father jogs upstairs, to calm your little brother. "WHATEVER! GET OUT! GET OUT!" she shockingly kicks you out. You pause and look back up at your enraged mother. "W-Fine." you look down at the ground as you jog upstairs, quickly packing your stuff. Before you walk downtairs, your dad-holding your little brother asks, "Where are you going?" You reply with a simple,"Leaving." "Away fwom us?" your borther asks, his bottom lip quivering. You pout and stroke his cheek. "I'm sorry, Chase. But it's time I go." you kiss his cheek and your dad hugs you. "Call me when you need something. I'm really sorry. You know I'm trying to help you- but your mum disagrees. I love you, Pumpkin." Your dad kisses your cheek and you smile. Your dad was always your big bud. Along with Chase. Your mum was never really home, but when she was, she wasn't very nice to you for no apparent reason. "Okay I love you too, big bud. Bye bye BabyC. I'll see you both soon. I promise." you assure and your dad and Chase smiles. "You'll newer bweak your pwomise, wight cheechee?" Chase asks and you nod, giggling at your nickname from Chase. You say the goodbyes and leave without saying anything to your mum. You close the door gently, and go to your car. Later on when you get to a hotel, you go in to the lobby and notice 4 teengers walking over. "Hey! I'm Calum, this is Michael, Luke, and Ashton. We noticed you at your car, getting a suitcase out and we saw your car filled with a lot of stuff in boxes. We wondered if you were okay?" Calum asks and you say,"yeah I'm fine. I'm Y/N. I just goy kicked out of my mum's house, and my dad and brother tokd me that they'd call me later on. My mum kicked me out without my dads opinion and he was trying to keep me there. But... yeah I'm okay. Thanks." you thank them. "Well, if you'd like some comfort,you could share a hotel room with us? We don't mind at all and trust us, we won't do anything to do. We promise." You nod. "Thanks so much, Calum! it means a lot." you thank them once again and follow the boys to the room, actually trusting them.


"HOW DARE YOU!? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU GO AROUND KISSING AND MAKING OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?" your bestfriend yells as you and you raise your eyebrows in confusion. "W-What are you talking about?" you ask and she says,"I saw you with my own eyes at the mall. You were sucking his face off. And he is my boyfriend. Stop acting like a blonde and just come clean! Gosh, Y/N. I even saw a picture!" you respond with,"then let me see the picture." She shows you a picture of her boyfriend, Troye Sivan with another girl. She has brown hair, brown eyes, smaller lips than yours, and she's darker. "That's not me! That's Bianca! [if your name is Bianca, use a different name] Can't you see she's shorter, has shorter hair, darker than I am, has smaller hands, brown eyes, and she even has smaller lips! I can't believe you don't trust me! You know what? bye." you then walk away from her at her house in the backyard. You then walked inside, grabbed your bag, and ran out of her house. You get in your small car, and drive away, heading down the road. You start to get hungry, so you pull into Whataburger. After ordering, you pull up to pay and get your food when you see a very handsome guy with colored hair. "Hello! Here's your food." He hands you the bag of food and grins at you. "Thank you, so much." you take it and he suddenly asks,"Could I maybe take you on a date tomorrow night?" "Uhm. Sure! I'm Y/N, btw. Here's my number." "Okay! Great. I'm Michael, and I'll call you. Bye have a fantastical day!" he winks and you giggle.

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