Stranger in my own home town...

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|| Hello everybody! After a long talk and brainstorming session with my boyfriend we decided that it would be great if I added a second part to my "Don't Be Cruel" story. This will mostly be focused on Elvis and it will have a new female: Ann-Margret. So, technically, it isn't an Elvis x reader but still a good "imagine". You can either see yourself as Y/N or Ann, it's up to you. It will be very long... Also, it will be set in 1972 but Elvis looks like 1969. It would be proper for you to read this story while listening to the songs I write on the side, it makes more ambient hehe. Enjoy!! ||

|| TRIGGER WARNING: blood, knives, torture, crude violence and other mature themes such as sex and swear words. ||

Sweden, 1972.

Third Person Narration

A year has passed since Elvis - whose name is now Jake Rivers, to avoid other people linking him to who he was before -  and Y/N escaped together to go to Sweden and possibly start a new life

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A year has passed since Elvis - whose name is now Jake Rivers, to avoid other people linking him to who he was before - and Y/N escaped together to go to Sweden and possibly start a new life. The man slowly stopped thinking about bad stuff, such as his previous victims and homicides, and he began a new way of living, surrounded by nature and animals and, the woman he loves. As their life proceeds happily, Jake asks his partner if they should go back to the United States, and the girl agrees. And so they do. They pack their stuff, head to the airport and buy the first ticket to Tennessee. Once they land and settle down in a hotel room, something terrible happens, and Jake will lose all the trust he had in her.

Song reference: Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra (slowed down by 0.75)

"I'm here to report Elvis Presley aka Jake Rivers as a serial killer and kidnapper, he takes girls in hostage and even murders them if they don't follow his rules." She says, standing in front of the police main desk. "I- I was one of them and I could escape, since I could turn him to think that he could run away with me. But here... You can see a bruise that I have and will never go away." The girl adds, showing them the hickey that Jake gave her just two days ago while Jake is unaware of all of this. As she walks out the place, Jake looks at her from the car. "What did you do?" He asks, worried as he frowns. "I- Nothing, Elvis." She responds. In some minutes, from a distance, Jake sees two cops coming out of the door. The man's eyes widen, he starts to think about how much of a weird coincidence it seems that his partner went inside and now the cops are coming their way, their same direction.

Jake looks at Y/N and shakes his head for a moment, confused. "What does it mean? Fuckin' explain goddamn it!" He asks as his temper begins to change, getting worse each moment that passes. The girl does not reply and steps away. "Y/N!" Jake yells, going to grab her wrist and pulling her over to him. "Stop! You're hurting me!! Again!!" She replies, causing him to back off and close his eyes, breathing in and trying to get the 'bad guy' out of his body. "Are you Elvis Presley?" One cop asks as he holds Jake's arm from behind. The man shakes his head. "No sir, you got the wrong person." He strikes back, glaring at Y/N, who is looking at him worriedly, even if she was the one who caused all of this. "Jake Rivers?" The other cop asks, this time the killer nods his head. "Yes, that's me." He replies, and almost immediately the first cop puts handcuffs around Jake's wrists, behind his back. "You're under arrest for murder and kidnapping innocent people. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer before we ask you any questions."

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