I beg of you!

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|| Attention: this story will contain high violence, read at your own risk. Also, will contain a strong emotional moment. Elvis is not famous. ||

October, 1970.

"Darl'- I'm sorry! I- I love you so much! I promise you that- that as soon as my time here is finished I'll get back to you! Don't leave me darl'.." This is what you hear from your husband as they take him away. He just got sentenced with three years of prison for a non voluntary homicide. You look at him one last time, your heart shatters as he is brought out of the room. What are you going to do without him? He was the light of your days, the happiness to your blues. Now, you are alone.

Your husband's best friend, Joe, is hugging you. "Don't worry, Y/N.. He will be fine. Three years will pass quickly." He tells you, comforting you. You sigh and nod, crying in his arms. "He couldn't kill a person.. He doesn't have the guts to do that!" You yell, while the judge is demanding order even if the service is over. You turn to the man and listen to what he has to say. Then, you walk out of the room, running back home. Once you enter, you slam the door and fall on the floor, crying hysterically. You wish that Elvis was still there with you, holding you and making you feel better.

Elvis' P.O.V.

I get dragged to the exit of the courthouse, handcuffs 'round my wrists, two police officers holdin' my arms. I look down at my feet as I keep walkin' silently, thinkin' about how my life is gonna change. Y/N is gonna move, she won't be there waitin' for me. I just wish I could turn back time and not be there in the wrong place, in the wrong time. I gotta confess: I didn't kill anybody. They just blamed me and made me drunk and high, so that I couldn't remember the reason why I was there. I sigh and enter the police automobile, which leads me to the local prison.

As soon as we arrive to the place, they pull me out of the car and drag me to the entrance. They remove my handcuffs when I'm in front of the main policeman, who questions me and requests my personal belongings: my watch, my necklace, rings, sunglasses and a pendant, where I have a picture of me and Y/N inside. I kiss her sweet face, then I hand the thing to the man. The two men give me an orange uniform composed by a shirt and pants, they tell me to change my clothes. But as soon as I'm goin' to the changin' room, they stop me and pull my arm, draggin' me to a white room. They tell me to stand there so that they can take a mug shot of me... This makes me ashamed. Mama would've been cryin' her lungs out if she was alive.

I finally change my clothes, putting on the orange uniform. I fold my previous ones and give them to the policeman, who places everything in a locker. Then, the two police officers of earlier are placing handcuffs on me again. They pull me to my cell, I don't say a word - they scare me. I miss my darlin'. They throw me inside, I see two beds, a toilet and a desk. Disgusting and undignified place. I hear the two men leavin' the place, this makes me furious. "What's so funny 'bout all of this? Hm?! I'm innocent!!" I yell, as if they could take me away now. "Man, chill down. Saying you're innocent won't help things." A voice says. I turn around: a young man in his twenties is lyin' on the upper bed. We talk for a while, he's a nice guy.

Normal P.O.V.

One year later.

You are looking at yourself in the mirror: you imagine Elvis behind you, holding your shoulders and kissing your cheek as he always used to do when you two had to go out for dinner. You are wearing a black dress, which combines perfectly with your black shoes and coat. You walk out of your room, heading outside your house. You get into the car, driving to the courthouse. You miss Elvis more than anything. You've been loyal to him and will always be, he's your husband.

As soon as you park your car, you see a police automobile as well. You rush out and run to it, hoping to see Elvis.

And there he goes.

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