A night at the opera.

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June, 1957.

It is the last day of spring. In your city, Memphis, it means that the last opera of the year is going to be shown at the Plaza Theater. You and your boyfriend never missed the opening opera of the season, therefore you never missed the last: the best dates you two ever had were at the opera nights at the beginning of September and at the end of June each year.

Tonight, thankfully arranged by your boyfriend's manager, you have the luck to see an early sighting of the 'Dialogues des Carmélites' by Poulenc, an opera that is set in a convent during the French Revolution. It is not your usual style, but you have always thought that opera in general was so fascinating.

As you are wondering what to wear, the phone rings. Still in your nightgown, you walk to the stand and pick up the receiver. "Hello?" You answer, and on the other side of the phone, there is your boyfriend. "Hey, doll. It's me." He replies, "Are you ready for tonight?" You sigh and shake your head. "No! I don't know what to wear. Do you think black is gonna be too much?" You ask him, pouting. "Oh, absolutely not. You look gorgeous in black, darlin'. I'll pick you up at seven o'clock sharp, so we can get somethin' to eat." Your boyfriend tells you, so you nod, smiling. "Alright, Elvis. I'll see you in a bit!" You say before you both hang up.

You feel so lucky to be the girlfriend of the most popular singer in the world, you have been dating since early 1956, right when he was becoming famous only in the United States. You smile at yourself, heading to the bathroom and turning on the warm water in the shower, taking off your nightgown, and quickly folding it before laying it on the sink's counter. Slowly stepping in the shower, you let the water wash your body. As you start cleaning yourself, a thought strikes you.

February, 1956

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February, 1956.

Your favorite singer, Elvis Presley, just finished his concert at the Ellis Auditorium in Memphis. You run backstage with all your friends, you are so excited: maybe you can meet him! You have always wondered what he smells like, how he breathes, if he has a cold body or a warm body... But now it is not the time to think about that. You have to focus on the present!
"AAAAAAHHH!" A high-pitched male voice screams next to you, almost mocking you, you turn your head slightly and you see him, he is right in front of you! Elvis Presley is in front of you! You cannot believe your eyes, he is walking in between his fans, yet he avoids touching them. "Sorry, folks, gimme a moment to go and dry myself a lil bit, then I'll come and chat with y'all. I don't wanna seem like a stinky gorilla." Elvis jokes, running into the building again.
You are hyperventilating. What if you get the chance to talk to him? What if he kisses your cheek? You ask yourself all these questions, you are IN the moment with him! He is not just a fantasy, he is real!
A few minutes later, Elvis comes back out of the rear of the Auditorium, you look at him and notice that he did his hair and changed his outfit. He is now wearing a black shirt and a white/greyish jacket on top of it. You smile happily and patiently wait for your turn to talk to him, hoping you even have one.
Fan, after fan, after fan, after fan... Now it is just you and a couple of other girls. "Hey, doll," Elvis says, looking at you. You widen your eyes and shake your head. "You're talking to-" You begin, but before you can even realize where you are, Elvis' manly but tender hands are cupping your face; his lips are strongly pressed on yours. As he pulls away, he says, "MWAH, beautiful." You blush, your eyes are as wide as two melons. "Go to my car, Scotty will take ya there." Elvis finally whispers in your ear before disappearing into the building again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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