Love me tender... (Part 1)

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|| Hello folks. Since my life has been really rough lately, I decided to shove my feelings into this story. I hope you all won't cry so hard, but I have to do this. I'm sorry. It will be based on Romeo and Juliet. ||


You live in a small town with your parents. The American Civil War is nearly at the end, you can tell by how the people start fighting: some are retiring and others are winning. Your family stands for the Union, which is sadly not at first place. You actually do not care, since you find wars and battles really useless and lame. The only things they bring are hate and sorrow. 

There is one big problem, your family told you not to talk to the ones who stand for the Confederacy. You cannot obey: you have a huge and deep crush on a southern boy, he is always there to help you, even if his family does not approve of him to hang out with you. Yet, you two do not care. You enjoy each other's company, therefore you decide to keep going as friends, in a secret way. 

Your mother told you to go to town and grab some money from the bank, since she wants to move away to North once the war is over. You walk cautiously and silently, holding your gown with one hand while the other is holding a small bag for the money. You see some guys in the main square, you stop for a moment to see what is going on. 

"Are you trying to start a fight?" A man says to another, you look closer and you recognize him. It's George, your younger cousin. You giggle a little at his thick and ugly mustache, you told him a thousand times to trim it but no, he will never listen to you. "Start a fight? No, sir." The other man replies, you can tell he is a servant of the family which you parents told you not to talk to. They all wear the same overcoat: black with the TCB letters. Your other cousin irrupts in. "If you want to fight, I'm your man; my employer is as good as yours." Robert says, nodding his head. "But he's not better than mine" The servant shakes his head, crossing his arms and stepping back. "Well, then." Robert winks at the man. Then, you see another small guy walking in the scene, you gasp as you realize who that is: it is Billy, cousin of your best friend. "Say 'better', here comes one of my employer's relatives." George whispers, looking at his brother Robert. "Yes, 'better', sir." Robert adds as the servant rolls his eyes: "You lie."  

"Pull out your knives, if you're men. George, remember how to slash." Robert yells as he takes out a knife. The three men start fighting, you decide to hide behind a wooden column, not wanting to be seen, nor heard. Billy then shakes his head. "Break it up, you fools, put your knives away, you don't know what you're doing." He chuckles, leaning against the column next to the one behind which you are hiding. Suddenly, Thomas, another cousin of yours, passes by and stops, rolling his eyes. "What? You've pulled out your knife to fight with these worthless servants? Turn around, Billy, and look at the man who's going to kill you." He says, glaring at your best friend's cousin. "I'm only trying to keep the peace. Either put away your knife or use it to help me stop this fight." The guy says. "What? You take out a knife and then talk about peace?! I hate the word peace like I hate hell, all Presleys and you. Let's go at it, coward!" Thomas yells, before starting a fight with Billy. 

You walk towards the entrance of the bank, still with the desire to see what is going to happen next between these men. "Use your clubs and spears! Hit them! beat them down!! Down with the Y/L/Ns, down with the Presleys!" An officer says, encouraging all the people to enter the fight. You see your father and your mother walking over. "What noise is this?! Give me my knife, oh!" He asks his wife, who shakes her head. "Why call you for a knife?" You try your best to hide, they do not know that you were in that same place. You thought they were home!! You decide to leave the matter and enter the bank, doing the stuff you had to do and run home right after. What a morning. 

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