Ain't that lovin' you, baby?

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Memphis, 1956.

"Really, Elvis? Are you sure you can't come?" You ask your boyfriend, who looks at you and frowns. "Baby, I told you. I got this show and I can't cancel it, for God's sake, I can't." He replies, pouting. You then push him away, making him fall on the sofa. You run into your room, sitting on the bed. 

Your High School prom is tonight and you wanted Elvis to come with you, but he has a show on tv at the same time. You're a bit furious, since he promised that he would have come - but that was one month ago. You look at your white dress, which is hanging in the closet. Some tears roll down your cheeks, you wanted this day to be perfect, but no. You're doomed to be sad.

Elvis is leaning against your bedroom's doorpost, looking at you as a strand of hair falls on his forehead. "Baby..." He speaks, frowning. "What do you want? Hm? Go and have fun on television while I'll be here, crying and looking around in my room since I can't go to prom, just because somebody would rather be shaking his legs in front of a public instead of taking his girlfriend to prom!!" You yell, making him raise his eyebrow and rolling his eyes. "Look, I'll be just 30 minutes away from your school. It won't take long for me to come and show up." He tries to explain, but you shake your head. "Why are you still here?" You ask him, your eyes are wide and red. He then raises his arms. "Okay, okay. I'm leavin'." He says, walking out of your room and going towards the exit. You grip the fabric of your skirt while watching him leave the house, which makes you sadder and sadder.

Once he's officially gone, you go to your bed and lie down, hugging the pillow. "Why me... Why did I ever fall in love with him... Mom was right when she said he would make me suffer." You talk to yourself, wiping your tears. Some minutes later, your mom enters the house. "Darling, I'm home!" She yells from the living room. You take a deep breath and pretend to be happy. "In my room, mom!" You say, smiling brightly. Your mom walks inside and hugs you softly, kissing your head. "How are you?" She asks, sitting in front of you. You nod and shrug. "I'm fine." You say, looking into her eyes. She notices your red eyes and frowns. "What happened?" She asks you, crossing her arms. "Nothing, what could ever go wrong in one of the best days of my life?" You rhetorically ask, slightly laughing - trying your best not to cry. "Do you think I'm a jackass? No. Now, tell me what's wrong." She repeats. You sigh and look down. "Elvis isn't taking me to prom..." You confess, rubbing your face with your hands. She sighs and rubs your shoulder. "Oh, darling... I'm so sorry..." She speaks, pulling you closer and hugging you. You lean your body against your mother's, loving her tender embrace. 

"Go with Scotty. He's a good looking guy, plus, I've heard he has a crush on you." She suggests, hoping to make you laugh. You shake your head in disgust. "Scotty? The Scotty Moore? No way!! He might be with Elvis at his show." You say, laughing a little. "What about Joe?" She asks again. "Mom, he's fat." You refuse again, looking at her. "What about Johnny?" She asks, raising one eyebrow. "Mom, I've told you a thousand times that the one in my school is Johnny Flesh and not Johnny Cash." You say, rolling your eyes. "I have an idea." She says, looking at you. Your eyes widen while you laugh. "I'm scared. You're gonna tell me to go there with the dog that I don't have." You reply, giggling. Your mother laughs and shakes her head. "Go with Richard, your cousin. I'm sure nobody knows him." She suggests. You nod and hug her. "That's actually a great idea, mom." You say, kissing her cheek. 

"I'm gonna get ready at Patricia's." You say, before taking your dress and folding it, placing it in a bag, along with your shoes and makeup. You then grab your bag and walk towards the exit, waving your mom goodbye. You walk out of your house, looking around while heading to Patricia's house. 


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