Summer kisses, winter tears. (Part 4)

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"What have you ever done?" Obviously talking about his muscle situation. He thinks for a moment, then looks at Ricky. "Oh, c'mon! I can run circles 'round those jerks." Elvis says, making you suspicious. "I'll believe that, when I see it." You say, walking back to your seat after choosing another song. 

{Three Months Later}

Elvis' P.O.V.

She wanna see muscles on me? She'll get satisfied. I enter the school gym and look around, everybody is so athletic and sporty that I can't even tell where to begin. I'm wearin' my leather jacket, black pants and white tank top. My biker boots as usual, along with my black sunglasses and a cigar in my mouth. I turn around as I see the coach approachin' me. He takes a look at me, then moves the air to make my exhaled smoke go away. "Let's start with the first rule: cut it down to one pack a day, huh?" He says, deliberately takin' my cigar out of my mouth. "There we go." He says, he can't see that I'm starin' at him, my sunglasses are too dark. I now take 'em off and throw 'em on the small table, along with the other pack of cigars that I had in my pocket. "Now, what sort of athletics are you interested in, huh?" He asks, I take a look around. "You like the rings?" He asks again, I nod. "Yeah, I installed a set just a couple of weeks ago." I say, smirkin' a little. "Well uh... The first thing we have to do is uh... You have to change." He says, lookin' at me from head to toe. "I know, that's why I'm here. Y'know, to change." I tell him, noddin' my head once again. "No, I mean your clothes." He replies, so I look down. "Oh." 

I walk to the changin' room and remove my clothes, wearin' a red tank top with the school's logo and a pair of white basketball shorts, along with Converse shoes. Once I'm done, I walk to the basketball field. "Alright, let's knock it off." The coach says, as I comb my hair to make sure it's in place. "Fellas, I wanna introduce you a new man. Elvis. Let's give him a try out, huh?" He says, and immediately one of the boys throws the ball at me. I catch it and look at him, pointin' my index finger. "You better watch it." I say, raisin' one eyebrow. The coach encourages us to start playin' so everybody runs in my direction to catch the ball. I don't know the rules of this game, basketball ain't my thing. The coach stops the game and comes to me. "You have to dribble." He says, showin' me as the ball slips off his hands. One of the boys grabs it and gives it back to him. "Just dribble the ball, put it in the basket. Think you can do that?" He asks me, makin' me laugh. "Can I do that... Oh please." I roll my eyes and start dribblin' as he told me, while some other guy calls my name. "Elvis, over here! Elvis!" But another guy steals the ball before I can do anythin' else. I look at the situation, the same guy who stole my ball is now strikin' it in the basket. So, for this reason, I'm now mad and run to the same guy, tryin' to block him from throwin' the ball but he won't stop. I simply punch his stomach, finally takin' the ball in my hands. I hear the coach whistlin'. "What'd I do?!" I ask, raisin' my arms. 

That's it. I knew basketball wasn't for me. The coach decides to make me try a new sport, wrestlin' I suppose. I am now dressed in a grey tracksuit, so damn lame. The coach taps my shoulder, so I turn around. "I want you to meet your wrestling partner. Elvis, Mike." My eyes widen as I see the man. He is taller than me, if I look straight I only see his chest. I look at his face, he's an afro-lookin' man, not that I got somethin' against them, hell, my great great great grandma was a Cherookee- But that's not the point. He just scares the hell outta me. "Are you crazy?!" I ask the coach, makin' my way back. He stops me and forces me to get back in front of him. "Come on, come on. Let's start, get in first position." He says, while Mike obviously does what the man says, I still am all shook up. "Elvis, you get down." He says, so I hesitantly kneel down. "Okay, Mike, ready?" Mike wraps his arm around me, as the coach whistles. Within one second, I'm already on the floor with this gorilla upon me. The coach whistles again. "Hold it, hold it. Elvis, you gotta try, come on." I stand up and gain my breath again, as Mike gets down first this time. I walk back and forth for a moment, then get down as well. The coach whistles... And I'm on the mattress again. "Give?!" Mike asks, blockin' my arms. "Yeah, give." I say, rollin' my eyes. Mike gets up a little and I take my time to punch his stomach with both of my hands, makin' him fall to the side. I finally get up and run to the changin' room as I hear the coach say: "He's a hitter."

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