Baby, what you want me to do..?

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It is 1968.

Elvis is about to enter the stage of his Comeback Special. He looks at his entire figure in the mirror; his black hair is gelled to stay in shape, his sideburns are showing since he decided to let them grow. The stylists told him to wear a black leather outfit, composed by a jacket and a pair of skinny trousers. That is what he is wearing. He looks at the picture of his mother and touches the glass, which is covering the photo. "I- I'll make you proud of me, mama. I did before and I'm gonna do it now. I love you mama. I miss you." His southern accent echoed a little in the empty room while he was speaking to the picture of Gladys.

You peak your head inside the room, not wanting to disturb him. You gently knock on the red wooden door as you see him standing there, almost looking as if he is empty of his feelings. "Are you ready, soldier boy?" You ask him, fixing the collar of his jacket. Soldier boy. That was the name you always called him; you both started dating each other when he came back from his Army duty in Germany. Elvis looks down at you, since he was gigantic when compared to you. "Yes, little one. I'm super ready." He replies to your question, slightly nodding his head as he tries to hide the tears by loudly swallowing. You felt bad for him, you did not know how to help him; which made you feel even worse.

Elvis caresses your jawline with his thumb by placing his hand on your neck. You two stare at each other for a while, getting lost in each other's eyes. He then presses a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you, darl'. You wish me luck." He says, kissing you once again before finally leaving the room. You smile happily for a brief moment, then follow him down the hallway, looking at his majestic figure. His body is everything you want, even after all this time. You love his concerts. The reason is simple: you see him smile.

Elvis enters the stage, loud applauses and cheers come from the crowd, clapping their hands and screaming in joy. You walk towards the stairs that lead to the higher level of the seats, so you sit down, looking down at your smiling man. He blows a kiss to you, then he sits down, surrounded by his long time musicians. He takes a deep breath and starts talking at the microphone. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. How are you doin'?" He questions, only getting loud screams in response. "Nice, me too." He playfully jokes, taking his guitar from the stand. He plays a chord to find the right tune, then begins to sing Heartbreak Hotel. His songs are all your favorites, even if each one has a different meaning to you. This song he is playing right now is so sexy, so sexy that makes you want to grab his leather outfit and rip it off his body. But you take a breath and let out a happy sigh, daydreaming about him when you hear his soothing and deep voice.

 But you take a breath and let out a happy sigh, daydreaming about him when you hear his soothing and deep voice

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Elvis catches his breath again after the end of the first song. You look down at him, noticing his focused expression while he plays the initial riff of Baby, what you want me to do. You love it when he is silent and concentrated, it makes you feel the precision of his job. You can clearly see that he loves his guitar and lives for his music. A short flashback hits your thoughts when he pouts a little while playing.

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