And I love you so...

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|| Hi! I was missing live contact with the audience- nah, wrong. What I wanted to say is that in this imagine you won't be having any romantic relationship with Elvis. Enjoy! ||

It is 1970. 

You are just a teenager and you're having major struggles when it comes to choosing College. Your mother isn't really helpful, since she's never had the chance to go to College because of the bad environment she grew up in. Your father is never at home, so you can't even ask him. You're an only child, so unless you have some friends over, you're always on your own. 

You walk downstairs to the kitchen, the maid is cleaning the counter. You look on the other side, you see the living room: your mom is sitting down on the white couch, reading a book. You make your way to where she is and lean against the doorpost. "Mama?" You ask, crossing your arms. She looks over at you and closes the book, keeping her index finger inside, not to lose the mark. "Yes, honey?" She replies, smiling. "When... When's daddy gonna come home? Y'know, I miss him..." You say, looking down. Your mother invites you to go and sit down next to her. You make your way to the couch and sit down, leaning closer to your mom and resting your head on her shoulder. "Oh darling, it's okay... He's gonna be home any time now. The tour is over, and he promised me that he would've come home as soon as he could." She tells you, trying to comfort you. You nod and sigh. "I just wish he could be here and help me with this ridiculous College thing. I'm sure he knows which one is best for me, and I want him to help me." You say, before standing up and walking upstairs again, back to your room. 

You take out the Bee Gees vinyl from your shelf, taking the LP out of its casing and placing it on the record player. Even if your dad wasn't there every minute, he always managed to make you listen to the latest music. He would send you a letter saying: "Little one, I've been rehearsing lately and I've heard this music. Listen to it, it's powerful." And that you would do. Whenever you received a letter from him, you took the first bus to town and went in his favorite music shop, not having to pay anything since he would have done it for you. 

As Lonely Days is playing, you sit down in front of your desk, looking at all the College application forms that you received. You don't know which one is best for you, that's the reason why you're waiting for your father. When you were little, the fact that he would always have to go around wouldn't affect you much, but now you are old enough to develop your own feelings and you are missing your father a lot. 

"Well, or I throw myself down the window, or I get some things done." You say to yourself as Mary brings you a sandwich. "Honey, you need to eat." She says, looking at you and frowning. "Thanks Mary, you're always a sweetheart." You say, kissing her cheek. You wonder why you have your father's manners, sometimes your behavior reminds you of him. Well, you're his child, so you guess it's kinda normal. You bite your peanut butter and banana sandwich and start looking through the application forms. 

This goes on for almost an hour. 

"FUCK!" You yell, throwing all the papers behind you. You sigh and lean back on your chair, looking up at the ceiling. "Why can't he be here now? Just why??" You yell, standing up from the chair and going to take off the LP and put it back in its casing. You lay on your bed, reading Wuthering Heights, almost losing hope in seeing your father before midnight. 

Within ten minutes, your mom comes up. "Hey honey. I was wondering if you would like to see your father on television. They're projecting King Creole." She says. You immediately stand up and run downstairs to the television room, switching all the sets on the same channel. You know how your father doesn't like it when you break the rules, yet he isn't here, so you just shrug and lay on the sofa to watch the movie. Your mom sits next to you, passing a hand through your hair as you lay on her lap. When you see your father on the screen, your heart melts. "Mama, you married such a handsome man." You say, looking up at her. She giggles and plays with your hair. "I know. And you got all his genes, Y/N." She says, before looking back at the screen. You're enjoying the movie, when your thoughts are broken by a familiar voice. "Bye Joe! Red, Sonny, see ya soon! Come catch me tomorrow and we'll go ride our horses!" 

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