It hurts me...

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|| Hello people! I hope you enjoyed my previous chapter. This is a request by youtrynabeabeeeech, they requested I write a story based on the song "It Hurts Me". I'll try to get my creativity to work and craft a story for y'all! Please enjoy! DISCLAIMER: Elvis isn't married in this story. ||

Burbank, June 1968.

You have finally arrived in Burbank

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You have finally arrived in Burbank. 'How did I get so lucky?', you think as you hop on the bus that takes you from the train station to the NBC Studios. You truly wonder why you were chosen out of all the girls who applied for the role of the 'Virgin' in the 'Road Medley', a section of Elvis Presley's TV special that has to go on the air on December 3. Steve Binder himself, the director of the show, had contacted you through a letter stating that you, Y/N Y/L/N, were chosen to play that role. You are wearing a pink sleeveless crop top and a pair of light blue vaquero jeans, along with cowboy boots. 

Even if you are engaged to be married in October, you always thought that Elvis Presley was the most handsome man on Earth. On the way there, you ask yourself if he is married, if he has any kids, or if he is single; trying to distract yourself from the anxiety of meeting him. You know that it is going to be one of the first things that you will have to do, you have learnt that Elvis always wants to meet his colleagues before doing anything, to see if there is any mutual connection between each other... that is, chemistry. 

"Next stop, NBC Studios." The bus driver says, so you press the stop button, standing up from your seat and getting ready to hop off. At the end of the ride, you smile brightly at what you see in front of you: it is getting real! Daydreaming, you forget that you have to show the badge that Steve sent you with the letter. "Miss?" A man says, but you do not turn. You are still in the depth of your dreams. "Miss, I'm talking to you." He repeats, gently grabbing your arm and making you turn. "Who are you? Do you have any invitation?" The guard asks, looking at you up and down but without making you feel uncomfortable. You think for a moment, then you shake your head to wake yourself up and say, "Oh- Oh! Oh, yes! I'm Y/N Y/L/N, here's the badge." You take out the card from your wallet and show it to him, he smiles and nods. "Of course. Have a nice day, miss!" You are finally in. 

Entering the enormous building, you feel a bit out of place, since you had never been inside a complex of TV studios before. You are just a simple girl from Arizona, you grew up through cattle and mud, so you cannot imagine what it feels like to be famous. "Y/N! There you are!" You hear, so you turn towards the voice, seeing a man with brown hair and thick sideburns, almost dressed like a cowboy. "I'm Steve Binder, the director." You take a moment to look at your own outfit, then you look at Steve and reach your hand out to him. "Mister Binder! It's such a pleasure meeting you!" You say, blushing. "Likewise, Y/N. But call me Steve! You're gonna have to see me for a week so I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me." You like the way he immediately puts you at ease. 

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