Let's forget about the stars. (Part 1)

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|| Hey guys!! So, this story will be inspired on High School Musical, the first movie. If you like this, I will do even the second one and the third one. This story will be divided in parts, I hope you can enjoy!! For the songs: left is character, right is reader or speaker if it is Elvis, middle is together. ||

Gatlinburg, Tennessee. December 31st 1951

It is New Year's Eve in the mountains of Gatlinburg. The snow has covered the ground and the roofs of the houses and lodges, including the one where you and your family are staying to celebrate the night. The ski lodge is alive with excitement as the inhabitants enjoy the festivities. You are reading a book, you want to keep yourself on track for High School. Your mom approaches you. "Y/N, it's New Year's Eve. Enough reading." She says, fixing your hair a little bit. "Oh but- Mom, I'm almost done..." You reply, closing the book and keeping the thumb in between the pages to keep the mark. "What about the teen party? I've laid out your best clothes. Come and get ready." She adds, forcing you to get up and taking your book from your hands. You stand up and nod. "Okay, but can I have my book back?" You smile innocently as you receive your book again. "Thank you." You politely reply, heading to yours and your parents' room to change into better clothes. 

Third Person's P.O.V.

 A woman in her mid-thirties enters the gym of the ski lodge in Gatlinburg, to find her loved husband and son busy with shooting hoops. The father bounces the ball to his son. "Keep working left, Elvis. Got a guard in the championship we're expecting. You'll torch 'em!" He says, while Elvis holds the ball in his hands. "By goin' left?" He asks in confusion. "Yeah. He looks middle, you take it downtown." The superior nods, standing behind the boy. "Okay, like this?" Elvis asks once again, before going left and nailing the shot. "Woo! That's it, son! Sweet. I wanna see that in the game." The father asks, talking about the championship of his son's school where he already signed Elvis in, since he is the coach of the basketball team. 

"Boys?" The mother asks, not being seen nor heard. "Oh you watch, you're gonna see that in the game daddy, don't worry 'bout me." Elvis responds to his father, winking. "Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball?" The mother asks the two men, who look at each other for a moment before nodding: "Yeah." The mother shakes her head. "It's the last night of vacation, the party, remember?" She asks, looking at her two sweaty boys. "Right, the party. The party. New Year's Eve!" The father exclaims, pretending to know about what the woman was saying. "Elvis, they have a kids party downstairs in the Freestyle club." She tells his son. "Kids party?" He asks, almost feeling offended. "Young adults! Now go, shower up!" She encourages him, who instead takes the ball from his father and asks her for one more hoop. "C'mon, one more!!" He begs, having his mother sigh. "The last one." Elvis adds, getting ready to shoot. "Real quick." The coach says, while his wife decides to leave the room. Elvis nails the shot and smiles. "There we go, that's the way to end it." He says, high-fiving his father before leaving the room as well. 

The party is in full swing as Elvis enters the Freestyle Club while making his way through the crowd. He is wearing a white shirt, black jacket and black trousers; he is formally dressed even if he is just 16. At the same time, Y/N also shyly makes her way through the crowd as a partygoer tips his ridiculously large cowboy hat at her. "Howdy, ma'am!" He says, and the girl smiles timidly as she finds an unoccupied cushion and goes back to her book. 

Normal P.O.V.

"All right! How about that for a couple of snowboarders?!" The host yells as the audience cheers loudly. You look over for a moment. "Who's gonna rock the house next, huh?" The host asks again, before stepping off the stage as two spotlights move around the crowd. Suddenly, one lands on you and the other on a young boy in the opposite angle of the room. "Oh yes!" The host says happily while the boy gets pushed on the stage. "I- I can't sing, no, you go..." But his whines are useless. "And you! Yeah! Come on!" The host tells you while taking your hand, leading you to the stage. After a while of whines from the both of you, eventually you get on stage. "You know what? Someday you guys might thank me for this." The host says, handing the microphone to your stage partner. "Or not." The crowd laughs as a song starts, the karaoke lyrics are on the television in front of you. 

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