The boy of my best friend...

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|| Elvis is not famous. ||


It is summertime and your best friend just invited you on vacation with her. You are excited to go, you are finally going to be able to see the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas, dreams you had since you were a little girl. You know that her boyfriend is coming with her, so you are sure that every now and then you are going to be lonely in your room: you do not mind, you like staying with yourself. 

After arriving at the airport, you finally see your best friend's car, a 1955 Fleetwood Series 60 Cadillac, with the pink body and a white roof. You wonder where or how she got it. She comes out, looking gorgeous as usual, her red hair is waving in the wind as she tries to keep her pink skirt down with her hands. Then, you see her man: he is wearing a pair of high waisted Levi's jeans and a dark blue shirt, all combined with a white neck scarf; his skin is quite tanned and his hair is black; he is smoking a thin cigar. "Y/N!" You are awakened from the daydream by Karen, your best friend. You giggle and blush at the sight of the girl, who approaches you and hugs you. "Hi Karen! I missed you!" You say as you two pull away from each other. "Me too, you've met Elvis, haven't you?" She says, showing you her boyfriend. You look into the man's eyes as he grabs your hand, kissing the back of it. "It's my pleasure, miss." He says in his southern accent. You cannot help but blush even more, Karen notices it. "Well Elvis, the plane is about to leave... Isn't it?! Now move!" She yells as your new friend playfully rolls his eyes, following her. "Okey, boss." He replies, unloading the bags from the trunk and heading inside the building. You take your bag, kind of struggling. "Do you need help-" Elvis asks, looking at you. "She's fine!" Karen strikes back as you freeze. "Karen, I was askin' her. Not you." Her boyfriend stares at her before coming towards you and holding your bag. "Thank you..." You softly whisper, looking down and walking next to him. "Ah, don't worry. I might as well push her in the Canyon." He replies as you both share a laughter. 

When you are on the plane, you look at the seat on your ticket: number 35B. "What d'you got?" Elvis asks his girlfriend, who whines. "76A! And you?" She looks up at him, who unrolls his ticket from his hand. "35A." He says, before looking at you. "Seems like we're gonna be great friends, ain't we?" He rhetorically asks as you shrug. "Oh it can't be real!!" Karen starts acting like a little girl as Elvis grabs your arm, very gently. "Ah baby don't ya worry, we ain't gon' fuck on the plane..." He says, before turning to you. "Or are we?" You giggle as you reach your seat with him. As you both sit down, he breathes a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad you came, I don't even know you but I'm so glad." Elvis says, looking at you. "Oh, why?" You ask, fixing your seatbelt and sitting straight. "Mostly because I wanna get distracted from that woman, but also because s- someone has- has been talkin' 'bout you a lot and I was curious to meet ya." He replies, looking into your eyes as he ties his seatbelt. You look into his ocean blues as well, yet you suddenly hear a click coming from the belt. "Oh- I- I think I tied the wrong belt..." He says, blushing and looking down at his legs as he ties the real seatbelt. As soon as the plane takes off, you look at him. "Do you mind if I close my eyes for a little bit?" You ask. "I was 'bout to ask ya the same thing!" He chuckles as he wraps one arm around you. "Get comfortable, honey." Elvis says as you blush a little, closing your eyes and immediately falling asleep on his shirt.

{Las Vegas. The landing}

When you open your eyes, the plane is flying on the Las Vegas territory. You see Elvis looking at you. "Oh, hello darlin'. I thought you would've needed a wake up kiss." He chuckles as he stretches a little bit. "How'd you sleep?" Your friend asks as you tie your seatbelt again for the landing. "Very good... Did I snore?" You ask back, yawning and covering your mouth with your hand. "No, not at all." He replies as the pilot announces to get ready to go down. You feel Elvis holding your hand. You look down at it, then at him. "Can I?" He asks as you nod. "I'm very scared of p- planes and if I- I have to die I- I wanna die holdin' your hand." He confesses, squeezing your hand three times. Your eyes widen for a moment, then you just decide to let the things flow. He is the one leading the games, Karen cannot be mad at you. 

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