Let's forget about the stars. (Part 5)

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|| Hopefully this is going to be the last part, enjoy!! ||

Third Person's P.O.V.

After their first team huddle, the Raccoons yell in excitement once again. "Raccoons!" Then, the announcer shows the trophy as the Raccoons make their way onto the court and shake hands with the other team. Finally, the game begins. "Humes High wins the opening tip, pushing the ball up the court." The announcer says as Red throws the ball up in the air. 

In the meantime, Y/N's blackboard is filled with the equation and... She is the first to finish! The judge walks over to her, checks the work and nods, giving the points to Y/N. "Humes High." The announcer says as Pat smiles at her friend. "We did it!!" Then, Y/N looks at her opponent and shakes his hand. "Great job!" After, both of the girls check the clock. Little does everyone know that Pat and Red have installed a false alarm system that would make the gym's power go off. 

In fact, just a few seconds later... "And West High pushes the ball around the perimeter on the offensive end. Nice ball movement by West High. Driving the lane... Shot is up... And..." The announcer starts speaking, but the scoreboard and the lights start shorting out. The game buzzer sounds as well. "We seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties, uh..." The announcer says as the referee blows his whistle, signaling a timeout. "We've got a timeout on the court here." The announcer adds as the referee shakes his head. "We have a problem. Stop the game, stop the game!!" He yells, looking up at the other man. In this exact moment, Red runs up to Elvis and motions him to get going. Elvis looks around, then leaves. Coach Presley is watching the scene and looks suspiciously at his son.

We do not have to forget that Priscilla and Donald are still performing during all of this. 

Now, the operation that remains left in the science laboratory is to create a distraction for Y/N to escape in safety. What Pat has prepared is very intelligent: she has connected an apparently invisible cable leading from the wall to a beaker filled with a blue liquid. As soon as a girl, unconsciously, steps against the cable, the liquid falls and releases a most foul odor in the room. "Go! Go! Go!" Y/N yells as she and the other spectators move to the exit. 

The same thing is happening in the gym. The Raccoons move to the auditorium, silently. 

Priscilla and Donald have finished their song. The audience claps as they take a bow. Priscilla, as usual, flirts with a guy in the audience as Donald throws his fedora to the public. Miss Darbus slowly walks onto the stage with Judy. "Do you see why we love theater, people? Well done. Ah, Elvis Presley, Y/N Y/L/N." There is one minute of silence, the guys do not appear. "Elvis? Y/N?" The woman calls again. Judy sighs hopefully. "They'll be here..." But Miss Darbus rolls her eyes. "The theater, as I have often pointed out, waits for no one. I'm sorry." Judy makes a sad face and runs off the stage. 

Normal P.O.V.

"Well, we are done here. Congratulations to all. The cast list will be posted." You hear Miss Darbus say as you rush inside the auditorium. "Wait!! Miss Darbus, wait!!! We're ready, we can sing." Elvis says, holding your hand and breathing heavily. "I called your names, twice." The woman says, looking at you two. "Miss Darbus, please!! Please!!" You beg, looking at her as if someone just whipped you. "Rules are rules!" She repeats. You look at Elvis and sigh.

As the small audience gets up to leave, you notice that the rest of the school pours into the auditorium. Priscilla pops out of nowhere. "We'll be happy to do it again for our fellow students, Miss Darbus." Oh lord, this girl surely is something horrible. "I don't know what's going on here, but in any event, it's too late and we have not got a pianist." Miss Darbus answers as she is a little surprised about how many people filled the theater. "We uhm we'll sing without a piano." Elvis risks it as you see Judy coming on the stage again. "Oh no, you won't. Pianist here, Miss Darbus!" She says as you smile happily as a sign of victory. "You really don't wanna do that!" Priscilla says, looking at Judy who scoffs. "Oh, yes, I really do. Ready on stage!" She says as Miss Darbus looks at her pupil. "Now, that's show biz." The woman says. 

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