General Sandman.

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Memphis, 1960.

"Sergeant Elvis Aaron Presley, I proclaim you officially discharged from active duty." General Colin Powell says, as both him and the young soldier have their hands on their hearts. You look over at your man, he is so stunning in his uniform. You wonder if he liked being in the army, you wonder if he wants to continue his music career or if he wants to retire and work on a family... But you decide not to ask him all those questions, simply because he has an interview coming around. 

"Honey, how was it?" Elvis asks you, quite scaring you as he suddenly speaks from behind your shoulders. You turn around, blushing and giggling awkwardly. "You... You were astonishing." You fix the collar of his shirt, while he breathes heavily, probably because of the nervousness. "What is it, soldier boy?" You ask him, kissing his lips softly. "I- I don't know honey. I'm not too sure if I wanna go on bein' a s-" He starts talking, but his mates come over and steal him from you. 

"We'll bring him back before sunset!" Joe yells, as you watch Elvis being carried away by his friends. You shake your head, sighing, as you think about what he wanted to tell you. You walk away with Elvis' father to the car, entering in the passenger's seat as Vernon enters the driver's seat and starts the engine. "Y/N, Elvis seemed a bit off, don't ya think?" He asks, as you fix your hair a little looking in the side mirror. "Yeah, a little bit. I don't know, maybe he's just tired." You reply, shrugging your shoulders. You know that your boyfriend is not himself, he is doubting and you know it, still you do not want to push him or make him feel pressured. 

Elvis' P.O.V.

I look at my four friends, Joe, Sonny, Red and Lamar. I wonder how and why I got blessed with these people, them and Y/N, I love bein' 'round 'em but mostly, they make me feel loved for who I am. Even if right now... Right now I don't feel good with myself. Probably I'm just drained from the army, or probably I need a good sleep, or maybe I just need a drink. 

"C'mon Elvis, we have some great chicks for ya to try! If you like them, they're gonna enter the entourage." Joe says, playin' with his hands in an evil way. I politely shake my head. "No man, I ain't gon' fuck anybody... I wanna be loyal to Y/N. She's loyal to me, why would I cheat on her? No no, it's wrong." I sigh and rub my eyes, then look at the bartender. "Honey-" I yell, then I get up and walk to the counter. "Hey darl', would you mind givin' me a glass of peach brandy?" I ask her, she stares at me for a moment, then starts makin' the glass. "Wait baby, gimme the entire bottle. I need to relax." She nods and hands me the bottle, still bein' a lil petrified. Hell, what do I got?! Do I look like a monster or somethin'?! 

"Elvis- No-" Says Red as he sees the bottle in my hand. "What?" I ask before sittin' down again. "Elvis you're gonna get so drunk you'll forget your name!!" Lamar replies as I uncork the bottle. "And? Maybe that's what I wanna do." I immediately start drinkin', closin' my eyes. Damn, I love the taste of it. 

{Some hours later}

Normal P.O.V.

You hear a car honking as it enters the gates of Graceland, the mansion where you, Elvis, Vernon and the maids live in. You rush to the window of the living room and see Joe's car moving very wildly in the long driveway, you can also hear the boys laughing. You walk to the door and open, going outside to see Lamar and Red drag Elvis out of the car. "Whaaaaaat?? Naaaah, I'm fine!! Doncha worrey 'bout me boyss, I'm okaaaaaay!!" You try not to laugh as you hear him whine. "C'mon- one- two- three- hop!" Red and Lamar say as they make Elvis stand up and gently drag him to you. "Who- Who- Who's this beeeeeeautiful laaayayayaydy??" Elvis asks between one hiccup and another. "It's me, Elvis... I'm your girlfriend." You reply, blushing and laughing at yourself. "Well pretty cutie... Yanno what??? You's gonna be my wifey I tell ya." He responds. There you know he is really drunk, you cannot believe your ears so you just shake your head. "Oh yes you are. Ya ain't gon' refuse good ol' daddy Presley huhh??" You laugh even louder and hold him from behind as you look at the boys. "You can go guys, I'll take care of him." You nod your head as they both kiss your cheeks before leaving. 

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