Let's forget about the stars. (Part 3)

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{The next day}

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Callback? AAAAH!!" This is how the morning begins. Priscilla screams after she and her brother see what is written in the bulletin board. "Callback for roles Arnold and Minnie next Thursday, 3:30 p.m. Donald and Priscilla Beaulieu, Y/N Y/L/N and Elvis Presley." Her brother reads out loud. "Is this some kind of joke? They didn't even audition!!" The girl exclaims. Suddenly, the Raccoon team arrives, minus Elvis. Red laughs at Priscilla. "What's wrong?" He then looks at the board and freezes. "WHAT?!" The team, Priscilla and her unlucky brother move to the cafeteria. 

Once in the cafeteria, Priscilla is angrily pacing back and forth. "How dare she sign up! I've already picked out the colors for my dressing room." She yells, rolling her eyes. "And she hasn't even asked out permission to join the drama club." Donald responds, shaking his head. "Someone's gotta tell her the rules." Priscilla adds. "Exactly." Donald begins, then pauses. "And what are the rules?" This gets his sister even more frustrated than how she is. 

In the meantime, Y/N and her friend Pat are walking around with the trays of food. Y/N notices a tense atmosphere. "Why is everybody staring at you?" She asks Pat, who shakes her head. "Not me, you." She responds. "Because of the callback? I can't have people staring at me, I really can't!" Y/N replies, shaking while her voice trembles. Priscilla makes her way down the stairs as her brother follows her. She wants to approach Y/N. Something happens. While Y/N is finding a place to sit, she slips on some milk on the floor and tosses her lunch tray into the air. The lunch, consisting of french fries, lands right on Priscilla's freshly washed clothes. 

"Ahh!!" The girl screams again as Y/N tries in vain to remove the fries from her, who is on the verge of hyperventilating. "I'm so sorry." But Pat pulls her friend away. At the same time, Elvis arrives and is stopped by Red as he tries to see what is going on. "You do not want to get into that, man. Too much drama." His friend says. "Yeah." Elvis responds with a nod. Suddenly, miss Darbus enters the cafeteria. "What is going on here?!" She yells. "Look at this!! That Y/N girl just dumped her lunch on me. On purpose! It's all part of their plan to ruin our musical. And Elvis and his basketball robots are obviously behind it. Why do you think he auditioned?! After all the hard work you've put into this show! It doesn't seem right!! It's not right!!" Priscilla starts bragging to her beloved teacher as Elvis looks over at Red. "What's up?" He innocently asks. "What's up? Oh, let's see... Uhm, you missed free-period workout yesterday to audition for some heinous musical. And now suddenly people are... Confessing." Red replies, staring into Elvis' blue eyes. Their friend Jerry walks by, so Red stops him, grabbing him by the arm. "Yeah. And Jerry. Jerry is baking... Creme brulee." He says, as Elvis looks confused. "W- What's that..?" He asks. "Oh, it's a creamy custard-like filling with a caramelized surface. It's really satisfying." Jerry excitedly replies as Red rolls his eyes. "Shut up, Jerry!" The poor boy turns away dejectedly and joins some other guys in the background. 

Elvis sits down at a table, thinking. "Look, do you see what's happening here, man? Our team is coming apart because of your singing thing. Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs suddenly think that they can... Talk to us." Red says, looking at his friend. "Suddenly people think that they can do other stuff. Stuff that is not their stuff. They've got you thinking about show tunes, when we've got a playoff game next week." Red finally adds before leaving the cafeteria.

Later on, in the men's locker room, coach Presley is in his office as miss Darbus catwalks for the boys to go talk to the man. "Alright Presley. Cards on the table, right now!" She demands, looking down at her colleague. "You're tweaked because I put your stars in detention and now you're getting even." The woman adds, taking off her glasses. "What are you talking about, Darbus?" He asks, chewing on his hamburger. "Your all-star son turned up at my audition. Now, I give every student an even chance, which is a long and honorable tradition in the theater. Something you wouldn't understand. But, if he is planning sort of a practical joke in my chapel of the arts..." She says, but the coach interrupts her. "Elvis doesn't even sing." The teacher is now blushing. "Oh, well. You're wrong about that. But I will not allow my TwinkleTown musicale to be made into farce." The woman firmly speaks. "Twinkle Town?" The coach asks, chuckling. "See? I knew it!" The woman responds as both of them starts chuckling and giggling. "Sounds like a winner. Good luck on Broadway!" The coach says, laughing at his colleague.

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