Summer kisses, winter tears. (Part 5)

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|| I'm sorry if this is so long, I just love sticking to the movie so that's the reason. ||

"And now, for the rules." The principal says, handing the microphone to the coach. "Game rule one. All couples must be boy-girl." He says as Sonny makes fun of Paul, who does not have a girlfriend. "Game rule two. During the dance contest, if you're tapped on the shoulder, you must leave the dance floor immediately or else, I mean it." He says, looking at the boys. The principal takes the microphone again. "And rule three, anyone doing tasteless or vulgar movements will be disqualified."

You look at Joanie and her date, the leader of the Stones, Mick, who are vulgarly moving around right in front of the two main people of the school. "That leaves us out!" She says as the boy laughs loudly. "Can you keep it clean, please? Let's keep it clean." The coach asks politely to the couple. "40 seconds!" The cameraman says, as Steve Allen takes the microphone from the coach and starts speaking as an encouragement. "Thank you fans and friends, and now for you gals and guys, a few words to the wise! You all are my best pals. And to look your best for the big contest you just gotta be yourself and have a ball, that's what it's all about, after all. So, forget about the camera, and think about the beat, we'll give the folks at home a real big treat! Don't worry about where the cameras are, you just gotta keep on dancing, that's showbiz. And if I tap your shoulder, you step aside and let the others finish the ride." 

"Ten seconds!" The cameraman announces again. "Nine, eight.." He begins as the crowd of students continues. "Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!!" Everybody is cheerful and nervous. "On the air!!!" The cameraman yells, running off the stage. "Hello, welcome to the Steve Allen's show, coming to you live from Humes High School. This is the event that you've all been waiting for, the Steve's dance-off. And away we go with Scotty Moore and the Blue Moon Boys!!" Mister Allen steps aside, letting the band play. 

You and Elvis dance to this rock and roll music, the whole group moves perfectly, then Red breaks the line, yelling: "Look! There's a camera!!" Causing all the students to move over. Then, Elvis pulls you in front of another camera, showing you off as if there is no tomorrow. You shake your head laughing, trying to hide. After the song ends, Steve Allen gets the microphone again. "Now the event you've all been waiting for, the Steve's dance-off! Some guy and gal is gonna be popping home with some fantabulous prizes! Don't feel bad if I buzz you out. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's what you do with your-" He stops for a moment as Anita bumps against him. He looks at her up and down and finishes his sentence. "Dancing shoes." Anita giggles at him. "Hey, does everybody here now Anita?" He grabs her neck for a moment to look at her, as if they are going to kiss. Then he quickly turns at the camera again. "Okay, cats! Throw your mittens around your kittens and away we go!!" As Steve moves away, one of the decorations falls down, leaving Priscilla all full of white petals. "That wasn't supposed to happen!!" She cries out. 

It is time for the hand-jive. You and Elvis are dancing merrily, even if right beside you there are Joe and this weird Ann-Margret. Steve Allen walks in between the couples and his eyes widen as he sees the vulgar movements of Elvis' friend. "Guy with the girl in red, throw 'em out." Joe whispers in Steve's ear, who just ignores. Even if he starts dancing with you as you spin around to look into his eyes. Elvis immediately places his hand on his hip and stares at Steve, mumbling something to make him go away. The hand-jive is one joyful dance, everybody moves their hands, even if sitting down on the chairs. It is the moment of Joanie and Mick, who are sexily hitting the middle of the dance floor. Steve and, his beloved groupie, Anita are staring at the scene, Mick is clearly eating and licking Joanie's butt. Mister Allen politely taps the boy's shoulder, but the guy violently turns around and shows his middle finger to the host. Mick and Joanie are now pissed off, so they walk away but they bump on Joe and Ann, then, the fight begins. It is so evident that even Scotty yells from the stage: "Throw 'em out, break it up! What is that?!" The girls are trying to split the boys, yet they are unsuccessful. 

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