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|| Hi. This story won't have any sexual relationship with Elvis. Elvis is not famous. Also, it will contain a song that mr_ElvisAaronPresley doesn't like with a passion. Hehe, but I love you. Enjoy! ||

Memphis, 1966.

"Y/N, no!" Your father yells at you while you run around the house, only wearing your underwear. "Y/N? Don't make me come and chase ya, little kid!" He repeats, making you laugh louder and run faster. Suddenly, while you are trying to hide under the kitchen table, you are lifted up by a pair of big, manly hands. "Gotcha." Your father says, blowing raspberries on your naked stomach. You giggle and squeal, hugging him tightly. 

You love your dad, he knows exactly how to make your days better, even when you do not behave good. You remember when your mother - or that something who is commonly called mother - left you two. She just ran away, without any explanation, when you were three. Only three years have passed since this, but you still remember how your father was devastated.

 Only three years have passed since this, but you still remember how your father was devastated

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Elvis' P.O.V.

That's it. She can't leave me here alone like a goddamn dog, to raise a 3-year-old kid, when I can't even look after myself... Mama was right when she said that the girl would've made me suffer. And me, me dumb dummy kid, I didn't listen and now I just am fooled by her pretty face... "I'm gonna get her!" I yell, walkin' past Joe and headin' to the gates of my house. "Elvis, that ain't gonna help. She's gone, you don't know where! Why are you so stubborn??" He yells back, but I walk towards the gate anyway. "Elvis, c'mon!!" I finally turn around and look at him. "I don't care 'bout me, Joe! I'm just worried for Y/N! How will she/he grow up knowin' that her/his mother left us? Hm? D'you ever think 'bout that?? I- I can't go on fakin' that: 'Mama will be back someday'. I don't like lyin' to my kid. Especially because she/he don't deserve that. It hurts me, y'know?" My eyes get wet as I say that, I can picture our future as an empty one. "Elvis, hey... Nah. That won't happen. You're such a great father, you lead the house perfectly and you have enough money to pay the loan each month until it expires. I'll be here for you, Elv, and so will our group. We never left ya, and we never will." Joe says, huggin' me tight. When we pull away, he guides me back to the buildin'.

 When we pull away, he guides me back to the buildin'

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