Uni life, what a life... (Part 2)

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|| Here you have part 2!! Thank you for reading!! ||

"Prepare my room, I'll be living at yours from now on." 

{One month later}

You are finally settled in Elvis' house. It is very Italian, yet it has something from each place he went to. You like how he has offered shelter to you, and there were nights, during this past month, when you and him would eat pizza together in front of the television. You are behaving like brother and sister, the best of friends. What about your parents? You used the studying excuse in every weekend, so that they would let you stay over at Presley's house. 

You are writing down your Italian Literature notes, since the exam will be in January and you are anxious already. You left the door slightly open, it makes you feel bad when it is closed. "Can I?" Elvis' voice is followed by a soft knock. "Sure, sure!" You reply as he pushes the door open. "I brought you some chocolate." He says, placing a mug on your desk. "Oh... Thank you..." You reply, smiling nicely at him as he rests one hand on the back of your chair, holding his mug in the other hand. "What're you studyin'?" He asks, looking down at your notes. "Italian Literature." You reply, writing a few more words. "Per me see va ne la chita dolentey, per me see va ne l'eternow do- dolore, per me see va tra la p- perduta giente." You cannot help but giggle at his way of reading Italian, you find it cute and sweet. "What does all that mean?" He asks, pulling out a stool from underneath your desk and sitting next to you. "It's the Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri. It's the most famous book ever published. And the verses you just read are: per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente; and they mean that the subject, in this case a door, leads to a painful city, where you can find lost people in neverending pain. Basically, he's describing hell." You say, smiling at him. 

"Mmh. Interestin'." Elvis says, you notice a stain of chocolate on his upper lip, making him have a thick, brown mustache all of a sudden. You giggle and gently remove it with your thumb, licking it right after. "That's better." You say, smiling at him. "I see that one of my pupils is bein' a naughty girl/boy..." He whispers, raising one eyebrow. You blush and pretend to be lost in your notes again, taking a sip from your mug and being the one to have a chocolate stain on the lips this time. "Oh, look at ya." He chuckles, before leaning in and softly kissing your lips, sucking off the chocolate. You say nothing and suddenly becoming paralyzed. "E- Elvis..." You mumble, blushing as he stands up. "I didn't do anythin'. Oh, I wanted to tell ya that tonight you might hear some noise... I got a friend over." He says, before walking to the exit of your room and leaving the door open. You stare at him without doing any movement, he left you speechless. What did he mean by 'friend', though? 

After dinner you go back in your room and as he promised, his friend gets in the house. You peek through the door of your room, she is a beautiful blonde lady, she seems Finnish or even German. You lay on your bed, reading a book as you hear them chatting and heading to Elvis' bedroom, which is right next to yours. You hear the bed bouncing immediately and the door slamming. You look at your window, there is no wind, so they must have done it on purpose. You put the book down, you are not able to be focused anyway. Another bounce. And another. And another. You put your pillow on your head, trying to ignore them. You even knock on the wall, but nothing. "ELVIS!!" You hear her yelling and moaning; this is too much. You feel disappointed by him: one minute, he kisses you and treats you as his own, and the next minute, he is having sex with a colleague or whatever she is. You stand up and walk to his bedroom, knocking loudly on the door. "What?!" He yells at you, so you just yell back: "I am trying to sleep! And you should too!" You go back to your room and slam the door this time, falling on the bed. You hear nothing now. Maybe it worked.

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