Catching on fast. (Part 2)

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|| Here's the part with Elias! I hope you'll enjoy!! ||

You are now fully covered, laying on Elvis' bare body. 

One week has passed since you and Elvis first shared the night together, he has always been by your side, every day. Managing to make you feel satisfied during the day and desired during the night. You didn't make love more than two times. He knows that you don't like rushing things, since you've told him.

Your holiday is coming to an end, but your parents still don't know what happened, since they decided to go back to your house due to your father's job. You feel better without them, you don't like them being around the whole time. 

You get up from your bed and look around in your room for a moment, you see Elvis' jacket in your wardrobe. You smile softly, he gave it to you the night before since it was raining and you didn't have any coverage. You look out of the window: cloudy weather. You roll your eyes as you take out a sweater from your bag, as well as a pair of black trousers. You wear them and slide your feet in two black boots. You then walk out of your room, downstairs to the hall while waiting for Elvis and Elias. 

You rest your head on your fist while sitting down on the yellow armchair. "Hey, Chica." You look up from the floor, seeing Elias standing in front of you, looking at you with his lovely, morning eyes. "Hi, Elias." You say, standing up and kissing his cheek. "Uh- Elvis can't come today, he's a little ill." He explains, rubbing your back. You nod your head. "Well, maybe it was because of last night's storm." You reply, looking at him, being a little worried for Elvis. "So, I guess you're gonna show me around today." You say, looking at him. He nods his head, pulling you closer to him as you both walk out of the hotel. "I was thinkin' about havin' lunch on top of the mountain, would you like it, Chica?" He asks you, pointing at the peak with his index finger. You nod and smile brightly. "Yes! But I need you to do me a favor, Elias." You tell him, wrapping your arms around his hips. Even if you two don't have much in common, you want him to feel good with you.

"What is it?" He asks you, still being extremely serious. "Smile for me." You say, looking into his eyes. He then forces a smile, not even lifting his upper lip up. "No, not like that!" You say, giggling and looking at him. "Nah, that's not for me." He says, shaking his head and walking towards his jeep. He climbs on it and starts it up, making you quickly jump on it as well. "Hey! Thinking about leaving me here?" You ask him, slightly poking his shoulder. You then see him smirking a little. "Oh, what do I see there?! That's a smirk!" You say, smiling brightly like a little girl. He immediately turns serious, looking at the road. You pout and look to the other side, seeing some beautiful birds flying above your head. 

"I can't conceal the tender feeling, now that you are close to me: I look at you with tender feeling and can't help kiss you tenderly." 

You turn your head, Elias is singing. He is looking at you every now and then, making you blush when you lock eyes with him. He keeps attention to the road, still serenading you. 

"I offer you a true devotion, all life through my love I vow; for this is real, this sweet emotion... This tender feeling I have now." 

You smile happily, his voice is so deep and soothing that makes you want to kiss him all over his face. You don't feel any sexual desire for him, he is treating you with love and care, such tenderness that Elvis never showed to you. You like Elvis, but Elias has something rare. He is a gentleman.

"Somehow I knew from the moment our lips first met, you'd be the girl I could never forget..."

You snuggle closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder as he drives. This makes you think about the first night you spent at the Great Smoky Mountains, the one when he kissed you - you pushed him away. How could you? You shake your head, kissing his cheek once again. 

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