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|| Hello ladies and gents, considering that lately I have a lot of inspiration, I'm trying to write as much as I can so that I don't leave you hanging in there. Anyway: this story will be a re-imagination of how things would've been if Bruce Springsteen actually met Elvis that night of 1976 and he gave him the song "Fire" to record. It will mostly be "third-person" narration, so I'm sorry if it might bore you out but I really wanted to try it. Enjoy! ||

Memphis, Tennessee, April 29th, 1976.

It was a warm April night in Memphis, Tennessee, and a young, wild and free Bruce Springsteen had just finished performing on stage for one show of his Born To Run tour. The singer was just 27 years old: his hair was long and curly - the typical '70s rocker style, he had a full beard and his way of dressing was quite simple, yet particular; he would only wear a simple t-shirt, blue jeans and a black leather jacket. 

"Man, tonight was awesome!" Bruce says, looking at his bandmate, Steve Van Zandt. "Yes boss, you could say that!" There was a wonderful atmosphere in the air that night. "I'll just go and smoke a cigarette, I'll be right back, B." Steve says, standing up and moving to the exit of the stadium, where he takes out a little pack of Chesterfield cigarettes, he opens it and picks up one cigarette with his index finger and thumb, then he brings it to his mouth before closing the pack and shoving it back in his pocket. After, he takes out the zippo lighter from the pocket of his jacket, lighting up the cigarette and immediately inhaling. 

In the meantime, Bruce is still inside the stadium with the other members of the E-Street Band, and he is having a chat with Clarence Clemons. "Too bad we gotta leave tomorrow, man, I would've enjoyed Memphis town a little bit..." The singer tells his friend, who is placing his saxophone in its casing. "I know Bruce, I know how much you like Memphis!" The guy replies, laughing a little. Max Weinberg, the drummer, joins the conversation. "If it was for you boss, you probably would be at Graceland right now, wouldn't you?" The other members laugh, but Bruce does not. "Boss? What's wrong?" Max asks, seeing the serious expression of his lead singer. "Oh nothing Max, you just gave me the greatest idea." Bruce replies, standing up from the chair and heading to his changing room, opening a little suitcase where he has all his songs' lyrics. Clarence follows him, being a little suspicious about his quick and weird attitude. "What you looking for, B?" He asks, Bruce does not reply, he keeps looking through the papers. After a while, he raises one: there is written Fire on top of it. "Found it." Bruce says, smiling to himself. Clarence comes closer to read the paper. "Fire? Isn't it the song you wrote for Presley?" He asks, Bruce nods. "Indeed it is, man." 

There is a moment of silence between the two, then Clarence's eyes widen. "You ain't thinking what I'm thinking, are you Bruce?" He asks, Bruce grins evilly. "Of course I am." The singer folds the paper and puts it in the pocket of his jacket, before grabbing his guitar and placing it in its case. He closes it and raises it with his hand, holding it by the handle. "Wish me luck." Bruce looks at Clarence, then he leaves the changing room and heads to the venue. "Guys, I'm going to Graceland." The singer announces, not giving anyone time to talk back. He walks towards the exit as Max lets out a sigh. "That guy... He's crazy to the bones." 

Steve is about to make his way back to the venue, but Bruce is already out. "Steve, Steve!" The singer waves his free arm at his friend. "What is it, buddy?" Steve replies, raising one eyebrow, he is surprised that Bruce is still euphoric at this time of the night. "I've got an idea. I was talking with Max and Clarence earlier, Max mentioned Graceland. I have Fire here." He says, taking the paper out of his pocket and waving it in front of his friend. Steve just stares at it, speechless. "I'm gonna go there. And talk to him. And show him this. Hopefully he's gonna record it." Bruce adds, excited about his plan. "C'mon man, let's just do it. You only live once..." He says, looking at his friend. Steve looks at the paper, then at Bruce. "Okay. But if we get caught, I don't wanna end up in jail." Bruce smiles at Steve's sentence, and he hugs him in a manly way. "Thanks, man!" 

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