Long black limousine.

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|| Hey you all! This is a request by span135 and it will have very strong themes, so I suggest you not to read it if you can get very emotional or anything. Basically, the reader dies. Just so you know. Again, it is a request, so since I do not like to let my followers down, I will write it. Also, it will mostly be seen by Elvis' P.O.V.||

1968, Memphis.

You look at your man, you feel betrayed and sad after what he did to you. "Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that... I never knew that somethin' like that could-" He says, trying to win you back. "Elvis, stop it. You hurt me once, I let you have a second chance. You hurt me again... I can't give you another chance. I feel hurt, so hurt Elvis... I can't stay with you anymore." You tell him, looking into his blue eyes as you step away from him. "I will always love you Elvis, you were my first man, my first love... But I can't be your sidechick anymore. Probably I will come back some day, but I'm not sure. Good luck." You say, walking to the exit and carrying your bag. "Stay- Stay safe, Y/N." He whispers, looking at you with tears in his eyes.

1969, Memphis.

Elvis' P.O.V.

I'm sittin' in the recordin' studio with my mates and my daddy, when Joe irrupts in, breathin' heavily. "Hey pal, what'd you do? Why you so sweaty?" I ask, lookin' at him. "Elvis, Elvis... You need to come with me. It's urgent." He says, so I quickly get up and call the session off, then I follow him out of the place and head to his car. I'm quite suspicious 'bout his behavior, he's never done somethin' like that before. "You sure it's urgent? You ain't just callin' me out for food, right Joe?" I joke, lookin' at him. He glares at me, so I take it as a 'please just shut the fuck up', and that I do. I look out of the window for the whole journey.

When the car stops, we're in front of the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis. "Man..." I begin, then we get out of the car. "Don't question, let's just go." Joe says as he drags me inside the buildin' and leads me to the reception. "We're here to see Y/N Y/L/N." Joe says. My heart shatters in pieces: is she here for some sad and tragic reason or is she here 'cause she's pregnant of my child..? It might be quite impossible anyway... 

I follow Joe to the elevators, he presses the button and we get in. I look at him. "D'you already know?" I ask him, hopin' he can give me an answer. "Ever heard of an headline Drunk Man Runs Over A Pedestrian? Well, that's what it is." He directly replies. My legs tremble, I nearly fall on the ground but I quickly put my hand on Joe's shoulder, so that he can hold me up. "I- It- It can't be... No Joe, it can't be Y/N..." I start messin' up the words as I speak, Joe surrounds me with his arm. "It's okay E... Hopefully she'll be alright." He tries to reassure me, then the elevator stops and the doors open. We walk to the room 738. I look inside it: there she is, layin' on a white bed. She's wearin' a white gown, she looks like an angel, my little and sweet angel. I look at the machines around her: one for the heart, one for the brain and one for the feedin'. I look at Joe for a moment, he nods and walks out of the room, closin' the door. 

I take a chair and gently place it near the bed, close enough to hold her little hand. It's cold. I look up at her face, her Y/H/C hair is layin' on the pillow, some is hidin' behind her back. She still looks as pretty as she did when she walked away from me. "Hey honey." I say, hopin' that she can wake up somehow and talk to me. "I- I- I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, little one... I never meant to stop protectin' you. You're my sweet lil gal and I don't ever wanna lose you. I always wanted you to be happy, to be satisfied, to be joyful. What I get in response is you layin' on an hospital bed, not bein' able to speak, to hear, to move... Who'll sing the harmonies with me now? Who'll dance with me, who'll make me happy? You're right baby, nobody. I'm sorry I hurt you that bad, but I never thought that it could end up like this. With you probably leavin' me for good. I- I don't want that, darl'... Please stay with me baby, wake up..." I say as some tears come down my cheeks. "I- I promise you that you'll be loved and desired, much more than you were before. I promise I'll be a good husband, we'll have a family, we'll travel... I'll make you feel like a queen." I lean against the bed, gently restin' my head on her hand. I don't care if it's cold, it's still that lil hand I loved. And I still do. I stay there for a little while, cryin' silently, then I stand up and move to her face, I kiss her lips softly, then her forehead. "I love you baby, please wake up..." I whisper in her ear, before walkin' towards the exit. I look back in sadness, then I finally get out. 

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