Don't be afraid.

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|| Hello folks!!! This one was approved by mr_ElvisAaronPresley. So, I'm sorry if I haven't updated for long but I've been in writer's block. Personal, public and who-knows-what reasons have made me stop writing for a while. Anyway, I'm back! I am actually writing two stories at the moment, so you'll have this one and another as soon as it's finished. This is a crossover fiction, where the two fandoms of The Walking Dead Game by TellTale and Elvis Presley will collide together. IT WILL NOT CONTAIN SEASON FOUR SPOILERS!!! Since halloween just passed, I think it's the perfect combo. If you are scared of horror themes and stuff, skip this story. Enjoy!! ||

Tennessee, 2019.

Clementine's P.O.V.

I open my eyes, looking around for a moment. I see the high trees and pale sky as the first things. Then, as soon as I lower my view, I spot bushes, grass and flowers... Or what remains of them. I sit up and rub the back of my head, wearing my cap and tightening my pigtails. I check my hands, bust, waists, legs... No bites. What am I doing here? But most of all, why did I just wake up?

I stand up from the ground and shake my body a little, so that the grass and hay would get off of me. I look around one more time, where in the world has he gone?! I decide to keep quiet as I check my gun. Three bullets. Might be enough for the rest of the day, we should be at the ranch before evening. I wander in the woods, being silent, keeping my eyes open on every movement I hear.


Jackpot. I smile at myself as I head to the part of the woods where the scream came from. There I find him: kicking a walker's dead body, even if he killed it right earlier. "What are you doing there, mister?" I jokingly ask as I walk over, he steps away from the walker and shakes his head in anger. "That damn son of a bitch just tried to bite me! Even with no legs! How could that thing just walk or head in my direction?!" He asks, looking at me with fire eyes. I shake my head laughing, he is so hilarious. Incredible how, at the very beginning, he taught me how to shoot, how to survive, how to lead. Without him, I would be dead.

"Why are you so angry over a dead walker?" I ask him, bending down to tie up my boot. "Did ya hear me, Clem? That thing tried to bite me!" He repeats, snorting. "Oh boy, chill out. You will make every other walker come over! Where's the man I knew, who has been my life-role since the beginning of this mess?" I question, walking to him and rubbing his shoulder. "He- He's right here, kiddo." My friend replies, making me smile. "Good. Let's get back to the ranch now." I suggest, walking with him to what I suppose is the exit of these woods.

The path is long, silent and really boring. Not many animals are running around, not even birds. We have three dogs at the ranch, some horses... We are even trying to maintain a vegetables garden. It is hard, I cannot deny it, but we are doing our best to survive. Being the only two humans alive, we have to watch on each other and be strong if one of us will have to... Leave.

"Can I know why I was just taking a nap while you were there trying to get yourself killed?" I ask him, he laughs. His laughter is so contagious, I am laughing too. "Well, kiddo, you gotta know that you passed out while a walker was about to attack ya. Luckily I got him on time, but if I didn't, hell if I didn't-" He begins, but I stop him. "You saved me, thank you." I smile gently before freezing myself. A herd of walkers is right in front of us. "How many bullets do ya have?" He asks, I frown as I reply: "Just three." My partner hands me a set of nine bullets, which I put in my pocket before using three for the gun. "What about you?" I whisper, looking at him. "I got twelve." The walkers are way too many, twenty-four bullets will not last long. I start panicking. It is the first time I ever panic in my whole life. Sure, I did when I was six, when he saved me from my three-house in my hometown.

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